Welcome to the a Special Episode of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast First Thoughts about “Child of the Moon”. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.
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The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.
The goal of the episode is for us to give our first thoughts, warts and all, so here it is.
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Thanks for listening. Jeff and Colleen.
I’m shocked by how fast things are revealed. Tonight it was how quickly we got to see Henry easily using the necklace to stop fire. Also, how Aurora woke up and seemed to have had a conversation with Henry. What this says to me is that the writers have so much to say and maybe not enough time! Good, we know they won’t run out of story. Things r flowing so smoothly that I am getting nervous that something bad is coming. Hope not!