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Main Show – In this episode, we feature our Shattered Sight Further Review.
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Episode Name: Shattered Sight Further Review
Episode Number: 260
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From Aleana
AWESOMENESS!! Ingrid you beautiful soul.
– Ingrid wondering around Boston in the past reminded me of Enchanted.
Lol, at her telling of the sorceress, her name is Emma Swan! Wow, Gold wants to take Henry and Belle to New York. Lol, at Kristoff doubting his haircut. yes, I have missed you too Evil Queen 🙂
Ingrid protecting Emma was so nice and telling her what Kevin is afraid of, she does care. Lol, someone slip me a poison apple and put me out of my misery. Hahaha, at Charming telling Kristoff why are you selling ice when the whole place is Frozen 🙂 The entire bantering in the Sheriff’s stations is gold! The ribbons are flowing with love unequal, wow! Loving the Galavant and Into the Woods promos airing during OUAT 🙂 Also the Fresh of the Boat one too, I am so excited for that show.
– There was a Dalmatian toy, Cruella hint 🙂
Those flashbacks were awesome, loved that Ingrid wanted to be a big sister to Emma, her intentions seemed genuine and Emma loved her. Emma really angered Regina but the ribbons are gone, yes! Haha, a dirty pirate, I bathe frequently. Lol, Henry. I wish I could poof home like Harry Potter too Emma 🙂
Oh God No! A traumatic experience, Ingrid holding Emma’s hand was scary. I can tell she just wanted to help her come to realisation with her powers, when she was crying out that was heartbreaking. Haha, magic is too good for you, I want to watch you bleed, the Evil Queen is back. Lol, at ‘I don’t know who you are but why don’t you go back to where you came from.
“I pick flowers, I talk to birds. Know what else? I KILL. still want to hold hands and sing ‘Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah?” this is too funny 🙂
Ingrid is in Storybrooke! Get in your head lady, were not your sisters, we don’t love you. The funny thing about time is that were romanticized the good times, love this quote. Magic can’t create love, I know you have forgotten but you did love me once.
Oh god, Emma and Ingrid meeting at the Ice Cream shop, are you following me, lol. Sheriff Graham, memories 🙁
Ingrid took her memories away with Pabbie’s rock. At least she gave her Rocky Road, love Elizabeth Mitchell’s laugh 🙂
Hahaha, careful of the stroller. The sword fight between Regina and Snow was EPIC!! Do Not Wake My Baby! Damn, they are getting thrown around like crazy! Anna found her parents letter, yes! Lol at Anna, I’ll be right back, stay here, he cant move Anna 🙂
Anna same to save the day! Elsa and Anna, we were wrong to conceal her powers, it happened before and I was wrong to conceal them (Conceal don’t feel, don’t let it show. let it go :)) . I was fearful, I let that fear hide me, I should have celebrated her. Please return my sisters memories. Release her, please tell her I love her and I am sorry, I would give anything to hold her hands one more time. I had a feeling the letter would be something along these lines. Anna, family never gives up on each other.
Gerta, what have I done, I need to reverse this, DON’T KILL YOURSELF INGRID!
THIS Scene!! Incredible, what courage, Ingrid loved her sisters, all she wanted was love, the letter gave her that, the sisters running on the field… I love the score playing, such beauty. Elizabeth Mitchell, you stole and broke my heart. It’s snowing! Regina: what am I wearing, all the laughs 🙂
Oh no! Rumple wants like world domination or something. The promo! A Dalmatian is here OH MY GOD! We will be the victors, Ursula, Cruella and Maleficent and she looks like the movie!! I cant wait!!!
My theory is Belle knows what Rumple is up to and she going to stop him and somehow release everyone who was suck into the hat because I believe Maleficent Ursula Cruella Deville are also in the hat and they are going to be the next villains they face
From Chris Tipton
Whoooow doctor. Every episode keeps getting better somehow. I think this may be my favorite episode of the series, top 5 for sure!! AMAZING!!
And for my top 5
5.) Ingrid and the “psychic”
How hilarious was it when she called her sorceress and she totally had Ingrid going? Ill tell you. VERY hilarious!! Did Ingrid leave that jewel with the “charlatan”? Nice freebie
4.) Emma and Ingrid’s Backstory
Cool to see more of this plot filled in. How did Ingrid adopt Emma in the first place? It was so funny how she manipulated Emma with Kevin and the spiders, he was a real jerkwad. Too bad they didnt show him getting failed on by them. Nice continuity with Emma causing lights to flicker because of her magic pretty much her whole life. Now it makes more sense to me why when her magic was out of control, all the electric stuff was going crazy. It makes me appreciate that plot a little more. I couldn’t believe Ingrid put Emma in front of a car, too insane even for her. Hurtful for Emma to think only a nutjob would want to adopt her. Its sad how it turned out because they really had a nice relationship going. I’m glad it actually made sense how Emma met Ingrid in season 1 and lost her memories. I just really want to know what happened with her when everyone was taken back in Pans curse. Maybe she got out of town before it got there because she could leave. Also Emma saying “what is that your pet rock” absolutely killed me
3.) Rumple’s plan
I’m so excited to see how this unfolds. He literally threatened the whole world in this episode!! Im starting to think he will kill hook. It really seems that’s where they’re going. I again expected Belle to overhear Rumple but I suppose she was too busy sleeping.
2.)Everyone under the spell
Snowing’s interaction was amazing. Very nice callbacks to season one when they were falling in love. When snow said that she was a murderer and she wasn’t sorry for killing “the evil queens mommy”, it was chilling and horrifying. One of my favorite moments of the episode. Anna being hurt by Kristoffs words was heart breaking. Shes absolutely adorkable!! Grumpy and the rest of the dwarves fighting was just so satisfying, also Granny and her crossbow!! I lost it when Will tried to hit Hook and missed and ran into the wall, so epic!! I have to wonder if there were any fatalities with all the arrows flying around!! Lastly, of course Snow and Reginas “epic battle” i feel like all oncers have been waiting 4 years for this. So good!! Ginny plays a great evil Snow… I WAS TEEEENN!!
1.) The Resolutions
Emma figuring out Regina’s hate was an antidote to the love of the ribbons was clever and a satisfying end to the ribbons.
The resolution of what was in the bottle was equally as satisfying. I really didn’t see this coming. Who knew Gerda kept those memories and would want everyone to get them back? Anna and Kristoff on the beach was so cute… I love you, your amazing, your unconscious!!
Finally of course, the snow queens resolution. This had to be the best ending to a villain. Ingrid sacrificing herself for everyone after how evil she was, i cant even put into words, how amazing it was. Here at the end and knowing her whole story, shes definitely the best villain yet . This was such an amazing ending. Regina and Snowing laughing about Regina wearing the evil queen outfit was great. Rumple walking down the street putting on his coat to end the episode was just unnerving. Next week is going to be phenomenal!!
7/5 pet rocks
-Chris Tipton
From Trace
Hi Colleen, Jeff and all Oncers, (I’ll stay consistant and give Colleen top billing again J),
I liked this episode very much, one of the best! If I had any negative comments it would be I didn’t get enough! I wanted more shattered sight badness. More angry dwarfs, more granny with a crossbow, and a re-do for Will Scarlet, that was a bit wonky. I laughed out loud so many times…”what am I wearing?” classic. The Snow and Regina fight was hilarious. I really did want to see Robin and Regina together under the spell, and too bad this wasn’t the 2 hour episode, the whole episode felt a bit rushed is all I’m saying. R and R will have to resolve the Marianne thing this week, get ready Eagle-Reagle fans, not going to end well for that ship I fear. What a beautiful and epic sacrifice by Ingrid. It was visually stunning, and add her dialogue along with the fantastic music…wow, I watched it several times. I think by far the best ending for any villain thus far in the series. She got the love of her sisters she always wanted-awesome. Elizabeth Lail and Elizabeth Mitchell deserve a standing ovation for their character portrayals this year, amazing acting. Did Rumple drug Belle or was she just reaallly tired? Ugh…Rumple! I need for Belle to find out and have the truth be told! Looking forward to the “Trio of Terror” and I think they are teaming up to get the hat from Rumple, that is my guess for why these ladies are here. Villains love power. And, I want Emma to help Hook get his heart back…that would be a sweet ending to have Emma save her love instead of lose him this time. Love your podcast-Big Love to everyone! Can’t wait till Sunday. Trace
From Brad
Greetings Jeff and Colleen, make sure to cover your eyes because that ain’t snow falling from the sky. Here are the things I learned this week on the episode, Shattered Sight.
#1. Ingrid wasn’t falling for the old
“basement of the Alamo”
#2. Even Happy has a dark side.
#3. Carrot sherbet is an excellent
memory enhancer.
#4. There’s a right and wrong way to
#5. Updating the sheriff station has
been fast tracked.
#6. Hook may wear the same outfit
everyday but he’s still the
cleanest pirate in town.
#7. Dopey loves him some
#8. Will Scarlet definitely needs to
take some self defense classes.
#9. Never wake a sleeping baby
unless you’re prepared to die.
#10. Now we know the real reason
Whale has been keeping a low
profile this season.
Although the spell made for some hilarious moments with Regina and the Charming’s, overall I was disappointed that so many people were immune. This could have pushed the story forward revealing secrets and inner feelings. I think leaving out Hook, Rumple, Belle, Blue and Robin was a big mistake. It took 10 episodes to build to this dramatic and epic spell but the whole thing felt boxed in and uneventful. Just letting one person find Gold’s dagger or having someone like Blue out on a rampage would have been amazing! I also felt we were cheated out of a much needed interaction with Belle confronting Gold under the spell.
At this moment, the show is on the verge of something amazing if they actually allow Gold to free himself of the dagger and leave the town with his magic. If Gold has given up being a better man, let him go all out! LET GOLD WIN!!!! That way when he finally meets his demise, it will be so much more glorious! Push him to edge of ultimate power, THEN, break him. Once a man has given up all his morales to be the most powerful person in the world, there’s nothing left for him. All he will have is the empty feeling of everything he has lost in order to become that man. To make Rumple lose they must first let him win.
The show seems to be following the same pattern with it’s villains ever since season 2. What do Cora, Greg, Tamara, Peter Pan, Wicked Witch and the Snow Queen all have in common? They’re all dead!!!
Hopefully 4B is going to give us a fresh and new conclusion other than death.
At the end of last season, fans were going crazy about Regina possibly turning evil again. When she said “I missed you” after changing into the Evil Queen’s attire, for a second I thought there may be some residual effects. Could you imagine Adam and Eddy releasing a still picture of Regina as the evil queen at the beginning of this season? The way Regina and the Charming’s started laughing after the spell was broken was genius! It was the perfect response to people who thought Regina was going to give up everything after all the progress she had made. Regina this season has been an A+ for me.
When Gold locked up Belle he said it was to protect himself. Wow, what a coward! He couldn’t even hear what truth would come out of Belle’s
mouth about him. Snow and Charming locked themselves in a cell right next to each other, Anna stayed right by Kristoff’s side while handcuffed to a desk. But the most powerful man in Storybrooke didn’t want to be anywhere near his woman when the spell was cast.
I’ve loved Ingrid through this whole season and as you know, I never really perceived her as a villain. Her story arch was amazing and pulled on the heart strings in just the right places. I just wish she didn’t have to die. The scenes with young Emma were some of her best scenes this season. I really would have liked to see more of her in Storybrooke as Ingrid and not as the Snow Queen.
When young Emma is using the machine to try and grab the Dalmatian, it reminded me of the claw from Toy Story. There even appeared to be green aliens mixed in with the plush animals.
How did Ingrid keep the ice cream cold before magic? When she first showed up in Storybrooke there was no magic yet. They used it as a plot device to figure out Ingrid was the Snow Queen but if she was at Any Given Sundae when Emma first came to town it doesn’t make any sense. Much like how the Storybrooke Animal Shelter just disappeared. “Shhhhhhhh, maybe the fans won’t notice”.
Did the preview for the winter finale give too much away? I realize the Frozen storyline is wrapping up and they want to keep viewers interested but loyal fans will still watch without revealing major spoilers. I also understand that this information was on the internet long before this preview but do you feel this takes away an element of surprise for people who try to stay spoiler free? We know they can keep a secret as we saw with the Elsa reveal.
– Brad
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We hear more from @MrEricLange ‘s audio message to #Oncers

Please Tweet love and thanks to @MrEricLange for his audio message to @OUATpodcast
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