Monthly Archives: March 2014

3X15 Quiet Minds – First Thoughts –


Date: 3/30/14

Episode Title: Quiet Minds

Podcast Number: 213

Leroy loves bacon

Neal knew how to get his father back.

Regina asked about why Zelena was working with Rumpelstiltskin

The Dark One has broken free

Beautiful One – Bright and Morning Star

Belle and the town knew that Rumpel would come to her

Hook, the researcher

Sorry may or may not resolve being almost killed twice

Belle loves Rumpel – all of him, even the parts that belong to the darkness.

Neal needs the dark part to get to the ones he loves.

Born out of True love – Swan necklace. Totem? Heart Totem?

Books are stronger than Magic. Books on history, witchcraft, and hopefully on the dark one, too.

Lumiere – Allow me to introduce myself. Again. Sympathy for the Devil. Can we trust him? Is it working for Zelena, even though he says he is a humble servant of this castle?

Lumiere – the light.

Belle thought Neal was Rumpel.

Hook had the sword just in case Rumpel was breaking in.

Emma is Super Mom. Hero.

Leroy is a Father figure?

Henry doesn’t believe Emma. He wants to know the truth, or he wants to go home.

Neal was running around in the forest, like Rumpel.

Neal had a blister on his hand like Arnold Ernst Toht in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Neal uses the Daddy card to put pressure on Emma to tell Henry the truth

Lumiere only appears if his candles are lit.


Can we trust Lumiere?

The vault of the Dark One, where the first Dark One was made.

Is Rumpel melded with the Dark One?

Lumiere will lead them if they promise that Rumpel will return him to his human form.

We’ll leave first thing in the morning. Same thing as Emma.

Zelena appears. She is behind this.

Neal – Dumber than a box of hair. O Brother Where Art Thou – Dumber than a bag of hammers.

What about Belle seeing the true self of people?

Whoa, you got here fast. Fly on a broom much?

Andana Orange Juice

Zelena mentions the Wicked Witch. Every is searching for her, but Snow has her coming to her. Will Snow know and defeat her?

Jacob’s touch, like Zelena?

Weren’t Robin’s arrows always supposed to hit their target?

Almost getting shot isn’t a great date idea.

Robin knows who Regina is.

Robin and Regina are partners. Don’t get in my way. I wouldn’t dream of it. Like in FTL.

Hook, the Candy striper, brings Neal the famous green jello in the hospital. Didn’t Hook talk about the jello before in Season 2?

2 Beaus talking.

Hook remembers Bae, the boy.

Hook gave him 10 minutes.

Belle filled Neal in with the missing parts of Rumpel.

Emma wants to leave.

Rumpel and the voices in his head.

David, the Flying Monkey slayer.

A good witch covers her track, but a better one can uncover them.

Great and terrible Evil Queen, Not evil.

Fear is an effective tool, after last week we know that.

Whiskey isn’t magical can conjure courage, give strength, or even act as a love potion of sorts.

We’ve earned a drink.

This scene is more sensual than the David/Regina scene for sure.

Tink – The guy with the Lion tattoo.

Emma thought it was Gold, but it was Neal. Another mistaken identity scene.

“You found it” Lumiere. I thought he was supposed to lead them to it.

200 years. He’s lying. Finally Belle wakes up.

So, Rumpel isn’t the Dark One anymore. He’s the king of loopholes.

Neal’s hero journey. Don’t make the same mistake your Father made. Another tree cave and test.

More show notes to follow

We played a promo from the Anomaly Podcast


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3X14 The Tower – Main Show – Who is Zelena’s Daddy? Who is the Tin Man and Scarecrow? We’re spinning out control!


Podcast episode 212

Shownotes can be found at:

Episode Name: The Tower



Once Upon a Time in Wonderland is canceled

The Once Upon a Time finale episode title is revealed “There’s no place like home”

Hobby Survey

Views from the Deck:

Social Media squawks:


Amanda from our Facebook page:

 I just listened to the podcast, which was pretty good as always and I have some thoughts specially regarding to Hook. In these last 3 eps I can see lots of parallels between Hook and Han Solo regarding to their relationships as well as personalities. Both are very confident , adventures, they love a challenge and their vessels. Han had a hard time thinking that Leia had strong love feeling ( he didn’t know Luke was her brother until their last scene) for Luke and so does Hook. Hook still thinks Emma has strong feelings for Neal and maybe Walsh and it hurts him, so he builds his walls up being sarcastic and with the terrible jokes, it’s his way to protect himself ( as Han did ). so when Emma supposes that he had a terrific time in EF , he sticks to the idea, which is totally a big fat lie , maybe hr’s been trying to find her ever since he parted ways on the first ep. Remember Han gives his ship away (lends it but… anyway) for a greater good maybe Hook did the same thing but in change of something to find Emma. It would be a nice parallel and iink it would made perfectly sense cuz he said : there was nothing for him there in EF. Regarding to Emma , I think she’s getting more and more comfortable around him , cant wait to see where this all goes…

Twitter: @ouatpodcast

Blog comments:


That 9 month caption also told us how far along Mary Margret/ Snow is in her pregnancy in present day Storybrooke, (9th month), as well as telling us that the events in The Tower took place in the 3rd month they were there in FTL/EF.


The shaving scene may have had other psychological, foreshadowing meanings, but it simply hit me as a way to get a sample of Rumple’s blood to open his safe in his shop.
Apparently after the “Ashley incident”, Mr.Gold began to lock his safe with a blood curse, for added security. lol…, and Zelena needed his blood to get something magical, I’m assuming, out of that safe.
Could you tell what that was that she took from his safe? It didn’t ring a bell with me.


“A bit demanding, isn’t she?…….., the midwife I mean.” is what Hook said about Snow…


A second look at what Zelena took from Gold’s safe now looks like “Night Root.” The root that grows under white moss at the haunted edge of Sherwood forest. According to Friar Tuck, if this root is digested, it would help one overcome any and all fears and has flecks of crystal in it’s flesh.
Perhaps an ingredient needed in one of Zelena’s potions and doesn’t grow in Storybrooke’s realm.

J – What if we are about to learn that Zelena was cursed back to Storybrooke somehow and that’s why she needs Snow and Charming’s baby?


Another observation from that scene….. THIS Robinhood says he doesn’t dabble in magic unless he has to. The other Robinhood couldn’t stop expressing how much he loved magic (in Rumple’s castle, as he stole a magic wand) and that his bow was enchanted. #justsayin 


I find the last photo in the show notes of Zelena making tea very interesting. Are we looking down at her distorted reflection in the tea, or looking up from the bottom of the tea cup at her. A neat camera angle. Either way, I believe the liquid is reflecting her true appearance. Which would could tie into her telling Rumple about keeping up appearances.


Stray observations & Best quotes
I stuck to one topic in my email but I couldn’t help but point this out.
Snow you know there’s a wicked witch out there who cursed you and this too good to be true woman, who you don’t remember shows up and you immediately trust her?
Emma’s princess dress had Swan feathers on it (and it was so gorgeous)
The doll of the knight was missing from her nursery but the pirate/naval officer is still there. Basically means even if Charming isn’t able to protect her or can’t be there for her, she still has Killian. (Those dolls were there In the pilot and were there again in the tower)

The CS Theme played in the background of their heart to heart
Plus it’s also a bit of reference to princess bride (other than the reference to wizard of oz)
Emma: you’re glad I got my heart broken?
Hook: If it can be broken, that means it still works..
Buttercup: you mock my pain
Westley: life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something
I love the scene outside the storm shelter so much because they’ve just had this emotional moment, but Emma isn’t withdrawn too much. She’s smiling. He makes her smile, even if it’s at his expense. And he’s sighing in exasperation because she’s always teasing him but he loves it secretly because any sort of anything from her makes him love her even more. And it’s this incredibly light moment that shows why they work so well together. They may not be emotionally able to admit it to each other yet, but they love being together and working together and this just shows how well they fit together.

Robin got payment in the form of gold tipped arrows

Regina: I think one day you’ll have more family that you’ll know what to do with
Hook: A bit demanding isn’t she… *gets look from Emma* I meant the midwife
Emma: I’d like to see those flying monstrosities get past Granny’s crossbow
Hook: And her lunch special

Email points:


Hi Jeff and Colleen,

I know I am a little late but I listened to your First Thoughts and the Main Show on “Witch Hunt” and you guys mentioned that Zelina got into the crypt by somehow using Regina’s blood. When I saw the episode, I had thought that because they are half sisters, Zelina wouldn’t have to use any sort of magic or trick to get past the blood curse because they are family. I am not sure if I am missing a piece of the puzzle or have something wrong so feel free to correct me.


P.S. I appreciate all of the hard work you guys do for this show. You do an incredible job.




Hello guys! Wasn’t this episode so creepy? Like dude yeesh lower the creep factor (I’m looking at you zelena)  I’m going to use this email to focus on  Zelena’s three (There’s some amazing meta out there about the other topics so I’m just going to pass along the links and focus on one topic (let’s see if I can heheh)

 More on david (by another of my best friend’s diana)

meta about the cs scenes

Zelena and the original three

We’ve said Rumple could be the wizard and Snow’s kid or Belle could be Dorothy but I think it goes this way…

Charming is the Cowardly Lion – This current episode was all about how he was afraid of being a father. He was afraid of losing his second child because he feels like he messed everything up the first time. And by defeating the demon, he finds that all he needed to do was find the courage within himself.

Hook is the Tin Man – In the scene we saw with Hook and Emma tonight we hear him say, “If a heart is broken, that means it still works.” After all he went through, seeking revenge for a woman he lost 300 years ago, he found Emma. He found love again, learning that even though his heart had been broken, he found something that made him realize he had a heart the entire time.

Rumple is the Scarecrow – Right now, he seems like a crazy man. Zelena is in charge of him and he is unable to escape his apparent psychosis. You might say he is “without his mind.” The new promo shows that he is running, possibly escaping. On a mission to find something that can hold his sanity together, perhaps? Like Belle?

Emma is Dorothy – With her old and new memories colliding, Emma is on a mission to find her way home. The only problem is she does not know what that means – being an orphan in the foster system her entire life, she has never found stability, family, a place of belonging. This season is her journey to finding where her home is (The Charmings, Killian) and learning, like Dorothy did, that she had a home all along.

I admit the first person to bring this theory to life was my best friend Lexi…. I’m going to pass you the links bc it really is a good read and I need more people to read it because she is brilliant (and no this is not me being biased, she just is brilliant) (part 1) Rumple (part 2) Killian as the tin man

There’s people that say that the tin man could be Emma, or Neal but I firmly believe it’s Killian Jones.. Like stated above Killian Jones is all about heart.

He was introduced to us in a romantic tragedy, where the woman he loved had her heart ripped from her and he went on a mission of revenge for 300 years until he met a reason to let go of revenge, Emma (who incidentally cannot have her heart ripped out)

Even though he literally sucked at being a villain, he’s the only one that ever admitted his mistakes at first try. He firmly believes he has a rotten heart that it’s completely blackened and that the lieutenant jones is completely gone.

He is the character who is completely moved by what his heart tells him (and the only character who’s gotten close to getting his heart ripped more than once but it’s never actually been taken out)

Another important thing is that the three leading men of the show (Charming, Rumple, Hook) are going to be the three who are the lion, the tin man and the scarecrow.

Zelena is not taking the actual objects but objects that symbolize them.

All 3 objects that Zelena will have in her possession to represent her taking brains,courage and heart will be pointy, a deadly weapon and an object that represents who the person has transformed into from the person they once were. A dagger, a hilt with a broken piece of sword and possibly a hook.

The dagger represents Rumple going from town coward to the Dark One.

The sword represents Charming going from shepherd to knight & prince.

The hook represents Killian going from pirate to villain.

Another hint to Killian Jones being the tin man

Hook: If it can be broken, that means it still works..

Wizard of Oz

Tinman: Now I know I have a heart because it’s breaking

Love, Maii



General thoughts from The Tower episode –
When Charming was fighting the physical form of his fear, the fear had an attitude and  voice that reminded me of The Kurgan from Highlander. 
Charming is drinking?  We’ve seen that before with Rumple drinking out of a flask at Charming’s mother’s house in The Shepherd (I think?).
Regina feels the people of Storybrooke is a family to her – very nice.  Plus, Regina appears happy to be at the party welcoming Rapunzel back to her parents.  Nice to see Regina is being included.
Okay, I too came up with this theory before I heard your thoughts from The Tower episode:   Is Zelena collecting Courage (the Lion), Smarts (the Scarecrow), and Heart (the Tin Woodman) to create a spell or potion?   Who would represent brains (Mr. Gold?) and heart (Snow?).  I believe the potion will be used by Zelena to achieve her ultimate goal. 
I believe Zelena’s backstory is:  She will be the Dorothy character, an unhappy daughter/step-daughter of a drunk, poor carnival man – Professor Marvel.  She learns her skills of manipulation from him.  She longs for a better life and somehow ends up in Oz.  She stumbles upon a source of magic (the emerald necklace) and becomes a green, wicked witch.
Thanks again Jeff and Colleen for a great job.  Hope Lady feels better.  I have two dogs that are very special to me, so I understand how you feel.
Silly Thoughts –
If you notice on the right side at the base of the tower (that held Rapunzel) there appears to be a structure that could have had a doorway. Why didn’t Charming look for a door before climbing the wall?  What if Rapunzel tells Charming (once he gets to the top) that he should have taken the stairs?
Will we get to see Zelena ride her bike (like Miss Gulch?).
I’m surprised the writers have not had the characters in the Enchanted Forest remark about missing some of the luxuries they enjoyed back in Storybrooke, like a hot shower, cell phones, Granny’s burgers, or a hot cup of coffee?  Especially coffee!


Chuck Part 2

Okay, revision, Snow and Charming’s baby will by a symbol of heart.  For brains, it may turn out to be something representing knowledge, possibly the book Snow gave Henry that had everyone’s stories?


Dan from Boston

Hey guys!  Glad to hear you liked my comments!  Well, there’s more where that came from “dearies”!!  And here we. . . . GO!

(1) Yeah Jeff, I also saw the Empire nod when David took off the hood.  But the figure also looked like the Emperor a la Revenge of the Sith too.  Plus, David choking David was Darth Vader straight out of the first scene in A New Hope!!

(2)  Lord of the Rings reference, broken sword to defeat the foe, aka the one that cut off Sauron’s  ring finger in “Fellowship”.

Humor me, I also saw a few Batman/Dark Knight nods here. . . . 

(3) Zelena referring to her father as a “drunkard, and worse (a fiend?)”, Heath Ledger’s Joker.

(4)  David, scaling the tower reminds me of the 60’s Batman show w/Adam West, using the “Bat-grappling hooks”.

(5)  BTW, Did Zelena quip to Regina in, “Witch Hunt”, “Why so . . . serious???”; not sure, I’ll have to re-watch that one.

(6)  Zelena w/dark dagger, giving Rumple a shave, looking a bit like Helene Bonham Carter in “Sweeney Todd”, don’t you think?   As an aside, it must have taken multiple takes to get that scene in, shaving without cream, with a PLASTIC DAGGER!?!   “It’s only a model!. . .. SHHHHH!!!”

ANYWAY. . . .(7)  Also, with the shaving scene, if they are in fact father and daughter, then a line from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off came to mind while watching this, “Hmmmm, so THAT’S how it is in their family!?!”  😉

PONDER ME THIS!!  (Sorry. .. . just HAD to say it. .. . . . ):

What if Zelena is taking such an interest in the Charming’s expectant baby is because, . . . .wait for it. . . . (or, “Stay on target. . . .”), the baby is, in fact, Zelena herself!!  A “Back to the Future time paradox if you will,  “GREAT SCOTT Grumpy!!”

Closing on a serious note, if you don’t mind.  PLEASE send your thoughts and prayers out to the families and friends of two Boston firefighters, who earlier this week lost their lives while doing what they do best, saving others.  (Getting religious for a second. . . ) .  “Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine around them.  And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the loving mercy of God, rest in peace.    Amen. 

Thank you for that guys, just needed to be said.

Dan, Boston 



Hello Jeff and Colleen, it’s good to hear that there were no complications with Lady going to the vet this past week.
Now, unto the things I learned this week on the episode, The Tower. 

#1. What drew Emma to Walsh was a 
       proper vanity set.
#2. Always appreciate your jailor.
#3. Weaponry can be used as 
          shaving tools.
#4. David is a berry connoisseur.
#5. You never know what secrets 
          you’ll find in someone else’s 
#6. Regina’s daycare service is 
          open for business.
#7. Flying monkeys + Granny’s 
         cross bow = target practice.
#8. Never hold a woman’s hand 
         during pregnancy, unless you 
         have 30 years to recover. 
#9. While being choked, David does a 
         great Batman impression.
#10. Killian uses his hook like an 
Everything in this episode was great except for Rapunzel. She was just a woman with long hair that served no purpose. There wasn’t even a real witch, she put herself in the tower.  I thought she could have been so much more but it seems like they just turned her into a throwaway character. I see her taking the same route as Ashley, Kathryn or Ariel.
Or maybe even worse, be subject to just one episode like Gaston, Hansel and Gretel, Nova or Sir Lancelot. You could have removed her part in this episode entirely and it wouldn’t even have made a difference. So, I’m kind of disappointed in her first appearance, hopefully they prove me wrong and this won’t be the last time we see her. 
While Zelina is talking with Snow she says “He caught you in a net?” I believe this may be a reference to Lost. In episode 22 of season 2, Jack tells Sawyer how him and Kate were caught in a net. Sawyer mistakenly takes this to mean that they slept with each other. Later in the episode, Sawyer uses this same term to tell Jack that he slept with Ana-Lucia by saying, “we got caught in a net!”. 
Regina had a smile on her face when it was revealed that Rumpelstiltskin was alive. Is the real fun about to begin?


While Zelena talked with Rumpelstiltskin she had her emerald ring on.


And while with David and Snow it looks she was wearing some type of green collar brooch. I can only assume it was made of an emerald as well.


So far, every scene has her wearing some type of emerald. 

“Let’s send that witch back to Oz” – David



like that Zelena is using the characters there instead of bring in the scarecrow tin man cowardly lion now that she has a symbol of Charming courage I think Rumple is the brain and Nealfire is the heart and she going through the family line I think Emma is going to be Dorothy in this story because Emma never really had a home and I think Emma going to realize Storybrooke is her home I like the Rapunzel story and I don’t think it’s done my theory is we haven’t seen the last of Walsh what if Walsh is Rider Flynn and he was a thief and he stole from Zelena and she caught him and to spare his life he did her bidding by sending to him New York to keep Emma there I have question do you think it been better if we saw what her and Henry life was like in New York minus Hook and she got a case in any part of Maine and her and Henry went to Maine and stumble upon Storybrook like it was fate since they talk about fate and destiny and as they enter storybrook their memories start to come back to them like in the mid finale when they drove over the town line you saw their memories changing I know they probably want to show us that Hook will always comeback for Emma because Neilfire didn’t or because they are setting up that Hook has agenda look forward to listening



Hi guys my name is Alexandra.  This is my first time writing in but I have been listening to the show since the start of season 2.  I’m a huge Rumple fan and I was too excited for words when I saw he was back.  I loved seeing the crazy Rumple like you guys and I almost hope that the actually is a little crazy so it can give him some more character development, maybe with a caring Belle?  I did have to mention this because of the new bit with Rumple “spinning,” Ok that’s not how you spin.  The raw material goes from your hand onto the bobbin. You don’t pull it out like that.  I’m a spinner myself.  I live on a small farm in New Hampshire with a flock of sheep.  I spin while watching the show and I spin while listening to your podcast.  A huge pet peeve of mine is that they never bothered to teach Robert Carlyle how to spin at all.  Every single time a spinning wheel is on the show something is wrong.  The most obvious instance is with his great wheel where the whole point of having a huge wheel like that is the mechanical advantage but the drive band went around the hub of the wheel making the whole thing pointless.  I digress, spinning is just important to me and to have a character that I LOVE who also loves spinning and then have him doing it obviously wrong all the time is a bummer.
Anyway I love your show.  Keep up the good work.

P.S. Alexandra again it’s lambing season!  I thought I’d send you these cute pics, and yes I am a Irish red head ya ginger hater 😉

alexandrasheepphoto 4



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3X14 The Tower – First Thoughts – Lots of Daddy Issues, Facing Fears, SW and Raiders shout outs, Scary movies, Hitchcock shots, WW Cowardly?


Date: March 23rd 2014

Episode Title: The Tower

Podcast Number: 211

Shownotes can be found at

The dove flew out of the Charming/Regina castle at the beginning. Any significance?


Emma in her nursery


The Princess at her first ball


Daddy teaching daughter to dance.


Twilight Zone – Emma. OUATIW portal.


You Failed me. Don’t fail the next one.

A dream

Snow’s pregnant. First time? It must have been during the cursed/forgotten past year.

Regina – If we’re cursed, she’ll look like anyone of us. The curse always includes a loophole for the caster.

Hook still thinks Neal is a Flying Monkey. I’m still betting he and Belle are at Rumpel’s estate.

Physical evidence in Regina’s office left behind by Zelena. It reminds me of Fruit of the Poisonous Tree with Sydney and Emma.

Nancy Drew.

MM2 112

Regina has to lie about who she is so Henry doesn’t freak out.

Rumpel spinning. Clears the mind, soothes the soul. Why is he spinning straw into gold?

Somehow Zelena has the Dark One dagger. Did it reset after Rumpel stabbed Daddy? How did she find it? Is it the real one? Is Rumpel playing her?

All the voices in my head, will be quiet when I’m dead. Does he mean the Dark One part?

We still don’t know what happened after Rumpel killed Daddy. He did a Regina move, btw.

Zelena’s father? Hands would shake from drink or worse.

Shaving scene. Does Zelena have a thing for Rumpel?

Keep up appearances.

In a new land. A land of opportunity.

Belle in the Pawn shop.

Mrs. Gold – Belle.

Ella got her contract from there and I believe that’s where Bae’s shawl was in also.

Why did Zelena wait til she turned around to freeze her?

How did Zelena know that it was in there?

Halle Berry? Oh, Holly Berry. Again with the Toll Bridge.

Does Hook not like Snow?

Bros and Brews. Hook passed on the love of Rum.

Robin Hood keeps his family safe by staying in the Queen’s Castle. Smooth move.

Feeling of Dread. Fear. This cursed land seems like Neverland. Mind games.

Friar Tuck.

White Moss. Looks like

Night Root.

That part of the forest is haunted.

Mid Wife meeting – Hitchcock 101. God’s Eye View, Extreme Close ups, Awesome angles.














Zelena knew Johanna.

Crushed up thing she stole from Gold’s shop. Night Root?

Rapunzel lives in a Tower in a part of the forest that is supposed to be haunted.

She lost counts of the years. Princess. Parents are King and Queen of this realm. She came for the night root. Older brother?

Nightmare on Elm Street. Fear in sleep.

Charming tries to rescue her. The cloaked “witch” crawls up the Tower.

Snow expresses anxiety.

Get all the fears out in the open – Echo Cave part Deux.


Did Charming switch mugs?

Another poisoning story arc.

The cloaked witch returns.

Henry did get his ice cream. They probably went to Sara’s Old fashioned Ice Cream.

Regina hears how happy Emma was in New York. Emma should have left well enough alone? Regina nicely says Henry will have more family than you’ll know what to do with.

Hook likes to use his Hook.

Hook courting danger with Emma Swan.

Hook sticks to his tale as Emma’s Super Power goes off.

Saving you from a loveless marriage. If it can be broken. It means it still works. The wall rises again.

The farmhouse – OMG!

Is Rumpel the Witch?

Generally scary.


She’ll kill you.

Shrek face?


Look up, Charming!

Silence of the Lambs.



Bike with the basket.


The storm cellar.


How much does Granny charge for Babysitting.

The tree cave.


sw cave

I am her.

Anakin sword move. I meant Obi Wan.

Overcome your fear by facing it.

Temple of Doom rope bridge



Cut it away. Let it go.

Frightened of an uncertain future

Love is weakness

Fear is weakness

“I’m not afraid” Luke ESB

The yellow bug returns.

I’m afraid I won’t be a good father.

Green smoke. Zelena’s handiwork.


Whiter than a fresh sail.

Rapunzel – She almost drown. Her brother saved her, but couldn’t save himself. It was her brother’s throne.

I was never her father.

We’re going to do this together.

We have a nursery to build.

Symbols of Charming Courage. Cowardly Lion?




Dark magic.

Psycho – light exposing the creepy truth. Storm cellar/root cellar



Regina’s happy about Rumpel returning.

Promo of the Tales of the Mouse House Podcast


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3X13 Witch Hunt – Main Show – Sisters or not? Daddy Rumpel? Walsh – Wizard? Rumpel Crazy or Crazy like a Fox? Another Castle entrance?


Podcast episode 210

Show notes can be found at onceuponatimepodcast. com/210

OUAT Episode Name: Witch Hunt

Thanks Erin for your cool 10 things lists!


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Play News intro


Per Entertainment Weekly online

On May 11th, we will get a 2 hour finale

Play Views from the Deck

Views from the Deck:

Could the Charming’s baby be Dorothy?

Could Zelena be Rumpel’s daughter and Regina’s sister? IS it a bit like

Play Social Media Squawks Intro

Social Media Squawks:

Tammy on Twitter Tweeted “Great podcast ep. Food for thought..Zelena was ALREADY in Regina’s castle when she got the blood via the flyingmonkey.”

Brad left a comment on the blog:

I didn’t catch this in time for my email.
While Henry is playing his game in Granny’s he says, “Yes, de-rezzed him”.
Derez is a Tron reference and is short for Deresolution. It is used in the 1982 film.
Movie Quote:
“If you lose your disc, or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate deresolution”
“Derezzed” is also an instrumental by Daft Punk that appears on the Tron: Legacy soundtrack.
I found this interesting.


On our Facebook page at Cindy left a comment that the feeding the madness referred to Zelena, not Rumpel and he may not be as crazy as he’s acting.

Rumple was very specific to Cora when he told her he wanted her firstborn daughter, as she will be important to him. Assuming Zelena is telling the truth about being Cora’s firstborn, then it’s my opinion that although he may not have known the specifics, Rumpel knew he would need Zelena at some point. He trained her in magic, and she’s good at it. But he also trained her to come to him with her madness. He fed it then, and he feeds it now. She will do his bidding whether she realizes it or not. He will let her be in control only until he’s ready to take back control to attain his ultimate goal, which is to get back to Belle and Bae. His tactics. In the short term, let his opponent believe she is in control until he’s in a position to take command of the long term end game.

Is Rumpel crazy? I don’t think so, and here’s why. Feed the madness. It feeds off you. Rumple is referring to Zelena’s madness, not his. This is exactly what he did to Regina. He fed her madness. He fed her obsessive thoughts of vengefulness. He fed her insecurities, and she fed off him. She came back to him over and over and fed off Rumpel’s knowledge of magic. Regina was so obsessed with power and revenge that she made mistakes, and never realized that she was actually being led by him to do his bidding and enact the curse. Feed the madness, it feeds off you is sung to the same melody as ” you will see, you will come to me. There is more you need”. Regina came to gloat at Rumpel often which is the same thing Zelena is doing. They each wanted, at some point, to out magic the magic teacher.

Play Email intro

Email points:


Hello Jeff and Colleen, here are things I learned this week on the episode Witch Hunt. As well as more Observations & Burning Questions.

#1. Henry has a cinnamon kind of face.
#2. The city of  Phoenix takes banditry very seriously.
#3. A cradle cap is a crusty, yellow, greasy, scaly skin rash that occurs on the scalp of recently born babies.
#4. Damn it David! Whale’s a doctor not a vet.
#5. Regina has a stuffed animal spell.

Chimpanzee Minkey –

#6. The Lollipop Guild exists.

Rabbit Trail – Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour:

#7. Sometimes you have to take  it in a little bit at the hips.
#8. A flying monkeys tail could go up against Indy’s whip any day. 
#9.  Regina’s not well versed in con’s.
#10. When you have big news and need to get the word out, Leroy is your man!

Is this a poppy flower like the ones in the field where Dorothy fell asleep?


Zelena says “black pearl” to herself as she is looking at a necklace on Regina’s desk.  It’s interesting to note that the Black Pearl in the Pirates of the Caribbean was originally called Wicked Wench, just a coincidence?


New York Henry has a unhealthy addiction to playing video games.


David’s cheesy smile while trying to pretend they are just old friends of Emma’s.


Before and  after shot of the flying monkey that almost got Roland. I personally like the stuffed one way better.



Could Zelena be keeping Rumpelstiltskin in Kansas? Could this possibly be Dorothy’s house?


Mary Margaret’s book is called “The New American Baby And Child 
Bearing Guide”


When Mary Margaret asks Zelena “Who were you back in our land?”, she tells her “No one you’d remember”. This answer is both true and false at the same time.  
Zelena is still wearing the emerald necklace even when she’s not the Wicked Witch. Could it be the source of her power? Can she not change form without it? 


* What does Zelena want with  
    Snow’s baby?
* Since we saw that Little John was 
   turned into a monkey, did the same 
   thing happen to Walsh?
* Is Zelena really Regina’s sister? 
   The way she justified herself
    points directly to her using the 
    bottle with Regina’s  blood to open 
    the crypt.
* Does Rumpelstilskin still have his 
   Dark One power? If he does, the 
   cage could be hindering it, like it did   
   with his prison in the first season.
   Also,  If he is in Kansas instead of 
   Storybrooke, this could also make 
   him powerless. 
* What did Zelena want with Cora’s 


Part I:
The whole episode was the reverse of the pilot. What if the curse was reversed too? Meaning something is needed from someone you HATE the most?! (i.e. Regina)  I’m a very loyal Scandal viewer as well, so I know that fashion and hair can have way deeper subtext about a character and give more subtle hints about their arc than initially thought. 
Using what was shown in “The Doctor,” Regina was in peasant’s clothing and braids which were braided in exactly the same manner as Dorothy’s. Not to mention, Rumple’s recitation of the line “we’re off to see the wizard,” and his mention of the slippers.  I sent an email into the podcast after that episode first aired explaining what—at the time—was my Regina/Dorothy theory in infancy. And, in all honesty was focused more on Whale being “The Wizard of Oz” than the parallels between Regina and Dorothy that I also noted in the email.
i. Emma was brought back as a symbol of false hope that Zelena is ALLOWING the SB peeps to have. Why? It’s because Emma would absolutely have to bring Henry along and thus Regina would be tortured because he doesn’t remember her. (possibly the plan’s fatal flaw once his memories are back) with the exception of Zelena, Hook, Emma, possibly Neal and, maybe Rumple—everyone including Henry—is missing a year of memories. Think about it, why’d Emma get her memories back so quickly instead of Henry? My deduction?She’s not the savior this time, Henry is! if I am right there’ll be a shockwave similar to when Emma kissed Henry in the S1 finale at the hospital when he gets his memories back
Part II:

There were shots that were either reinterpretations or outright shot for shot recreations from the 1939 classic film. e.g. Rumple leading Regina down the long castle hallway to Whale that’s a shot for shot recreation of Dorothy and co. walking down the hallway right outside the wizard’s chambers. And in the episode “Hat Trick,” in which Regina was again heavily featured there was a pathway made of sunflowers is seen on the right of the screen almost immediately after Regina and Jefferson step through the looking glass into Wonderland. I thought in the beginning that all of this just was a coincidence or a cluster of nice little nods, like you. I mentioned this (The Sunflower Road) to Colleen on Twitter and she mentioned it on the live show for that episode way back when.
Now, I don’t think so…at all!
Part III:
I don’t think Zelena is lying about how she’s tied to Regina, I recall reading a version of the “Miller’s Daughter” fairytale where she didn’t give her first child up, she gave up her second child. She lied and said it was her first. She banished her first born to another kingdom to protect them. And no, I’m not taking things at face value here. I believe you’re right Manny she used her blood to launch a revamped curse with it comes a slightly changed set of rules and an internally worse for wear Storybrooke.
The level of hatred Zelena has for Regina is palpable and immense. And it’s also the kind of hatred is unadulterated pain that comes with jealously at the perceived chamed life of your “kept”sibling.
After all Once’s core themes are love, hope and family


Hello guys, how was your week??
Snowing/CS living room scene
Hook’s always offering Emma hope. The way I see it, he knows there’s not much between she and Neal, but that doesn’t stop him from assuring her of the better. This was an instant where Hook was giving Emma hope and comfort as usual. I didn’t really see any signs of jealousy because honestly, this man’s not stupid, he knows Emma, and he knows that she wouldn’t have welcomed his love with a “good” had she not had feelings for him. Also, if you’ve read my scene analyses prior, you know I’m a huge fan of the way body language. How exceptional and gentleman like is it of both men to stand while their women sat. It’s such a gorgeous and subtle form of protection. 
I think that Hook did have to look for the materials to make the potion and that was part of what he went through to get to NY 
But it wasn’t just Snow who used birds, it was also Charming, I mean I’ve always thought it was Rumple who sent the message but now I’m going between Rumple and Charming. Both of them know  that if there’s anyone who would risk everything and anything to get to Emma, it’s Hook.
 Emma did have a reaction to him, you can see it after she drank the potion and when they were drinking, it was very subtle but it was there she had just lost her perfect life so it’s understandable..


More Tallahassee parallels the whole episode was a Tallahassee parallel (plus both were written by Jane) 

The was the conversation about Marian that paralled the conversation about Milah

Something that jumped out at me during this was “After our boy was born I inadvertently put her in harm’s way during a job, it’s my fault. Like I said I own my mistakes.” What if Maleficent was the one that killed Marian or she was killed in the crossfire of the problem between the merry men and maleficient caused by Will stealing the looking glass. It would make sense that he blames 

The whole getting to know each other and Regina/Emma pushing them out of hurt’s way. 

I think she won’t see the Lion tattoo for a while, I think they are going to fall in love first then she’ll see the tattoo and the curse will happen which means they are back in Storybrooke with no memory that they loved each other. 

I’ve always said that Roland was going to be the one to bring them together and I do think we’re going to see that in the next couple eps

I love Emma and Regina being friends and I like the fact that they are not going back to the fighting each other but rather working together 

The scene with the townsfolk was genius as was the scene when they are at her office.

The BRO3

Charming/Hook/Hood working together is pure gold. It’s the shows leading men and the TLs of the leading ladies. They’ve got their particular strengths and together they are even stronger.  


Robin: Some manner of beast with wings
Emma: that sounds a lot like the monster that attacked me in New York
Hook: you mean the monster you were gonna marry?
Charming: you were gonna marry someone?
Hook: did you just miss the part where I said monster?

I seriously cannot get over how distraught Charming was at the fact that he didn’t know Emma was about to get married. The way he threw his hands down and completely ignored Hook was the most adorable father/daughter scene. But honestly, Hook implying that she was about to marry was simply his way of bringing light to the situation about flying monkeys. He turns these things into a joke in order for her to understand that it’s okay as opposed to getting sad over what hasn’t occurred.

You not joining us swan?

 I love how concerned Hook quickly became when he realized Emma wasn’t going to join them. I mean… He just got her back. He spent a year away from her, he’s the only one remembering the time he spent away from his Swan, wondering if she was happy, if she was safe, if she’s got everything she ever dreamed of. But then he had to bring her home, knowing there was a death threat, that she wouldn’t be safe anymore. And now the threat is becoming real. People are disappearing and getting abducted by flying monkeys…

Let’s be real here, Killian is a protector. And he believes Emma is his true love. What is he supposed to do, except try his best to protect her from any danger? For me, in this tiny moment, you can see that he doesn’t like the idea of being separated from her. He got used to them working together, as a team. He got used to see her by his side, so not having her there worries him. 

I believe that’s exactly what the writers want us to see. Because why else would they make him say that phrase if it wasn’t for us to realize, once more, that he care for her?

It’s not the first time they’re not together in a scene and yet, if I remember correctly, it’s the first time they make him ask about her whereabouts. If that isn’t telling, then I don’t know what is.

Hook Found Me

She says it so casually and yet nobody has ever done that before for her. She’s happy he did and she’s here because of him. I have the impression that she’s happy and proud to it. She’s happy that she has this one person in her life who actually found her and she’s grateful for it. And she keeps telling people about it. 

Charming’s House
Emma: The wicked witch of the west? Seriously She’s real too?
Hook: Says the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming 

It’s so incredibly amazing that a year ago Hook got punched for walking into their house now he comes in side by side with his mate/future father in law almost like he’s completely 100% part of the family. Also, the commentary about Emma being Snow White and Prince Charming’s daughter was pure gold. Because ultimately, Hook doesn’t care who she is and that’s why it’s said – just as though he jokingly calls her savior. For him, she’s defined by her heart not any title or where she comes from. Additionally, it’s him once again bringing a joke into the picture to lighten the moments because they’ve learned of another threat. It’s also a way for him to remind her that he’s there, he’s making his presence known in the most Hook-esque way. 

People often joke about them being an old married couple, but they’re literally that. We’re constantly given these moments that the plot could function without, but they’re there to remind us that these two have each other. In this crazy screwed up world which always comes a shock to Emma, she’s got someone who’ll try to distract her from it all. They can taunt one another or silently offer their support with their presence. That’s why their relationship is so beautiful, it’s raw and effortless. This is them and quite frankly, the way Hook gets under Emma’s skin is refreshing to her because she knows his intentions. She knows he’s just trying to lighten the mood and even if he’s being ridiculous, deep down it amuses her – the fact that he still tries is refreshing to her. He loves the fact that she’s grounded to her modern day roots and he brings these little moments up to playfully let her know he gets her. He’s being snarky because he wants to show her he sees it like she does as well. It’s a serious matter, but they can have fun with the reality of things. 


A little single white female isn’t it?

I’m not completely sure if she’s related to Regina or Snow but I think it could be either. The fact remains that she’s going after both of them.  And yet we’ve got no clue to what her main goal is, which I find kind of refreshing to say the least.

Stray observations

Did you notice how Neal got hurt by the flying monkey in the flashback? 

I kinda want to scream at Snow, she’s a new person don’t trust her! Especially since you’ve got no idea who cursed you!

Best lines

Snow: They are being turned into flying monkeys?
Hook: Yes they took on the simian form with the added bonus of wings

Emma: The wicked witch of the west? Seriously She’s real too?
Hook: Says the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming 

Regina: Who knew a thief had honor?
Robin: Who knew an evil queen had a soft spot for children

Charming: Regina, what exactly are we up against besides green skin and a pointy hat? What did you do to her? 
Regina: This time? Nothing. Never met her
Charming: This isn’t a personal vendetta? Shocking

As a final note you guys were talking about wonderland and honestly? I know the show started out slow it’s soo good.. And there’s like no spoilers for it so the big shocks/reveals are actually shocking and the characters are well written if someone stopped watching early on you have to get back on it bc it’s just that good. 

That’s all for now! Love, Maii

Dan from Boston

Greetings from Emma’s first home (Boston MA!!).  Welcome back!  Missed you guys!  To quote an English bard “It was a long, cold winter. . . .. and so they had to eat Sir Robin’s minstrels, and there was MUCH rejoicing!!  HOORAY!!”  😉  (And that’s not the last Python quote you’ll here from me!  Here are my comments:

(1)  I like how Celina quoted a line from a Rollings Stones song, (“Please, allow me to introduce myself. . . . “).  She’s green w/envy over what Regina has, right?  The “have’s vs have not’s”?

(2) (1st Star Wars reference)  Regina moving the boulder, please cue “Yoda’s theme” music here!

(3)  (2nd and 3rd S.W. reference)  Little John  (a) Chewbacca’s crossbow, but (b) has the accuracy of a Stormtrooper! (missed the turkey. . . .)

BTW, Jeff, speaking of the “merry man”, “What’s the current airspeed of a Little John laiden flying monkey?”  :p  And did I hear Jiminey Cricket weighing in on the “monkey CSI” jokes!?!  

(4)  Had an odd revelation when there was the Regina/Celina “sisters” reveal, . .. .the two of them breaking out and performing the “Sisters” number from the movie “White Christmas”!!

(5)  Celina/Witch, going to the storm cellar, like just before the twister hit in Wizard of Oz.

(6)  Here’s the BIG one!  The Gold/Rumple reveal!!  In a cage. . . . AGAIN!!  I first thought, good to see him, but why the “dark one” again?  Thought he gave up that role, hoped he would go from “dark side to light side” or Gandalf/Gray to Gandalf/White. . . . . not to Gollum or Salecious Crumb (Star Wars ROTJ character, laughs all the time!)!?!

(7)  “Feed the madness and it feeds on you. . . . ”   –  Reminds me of a Star Wars character that was brought back in Seasons 4 and 5 of “The Clone Wars”, that of Darth Maul  (he’s half the man that he was in “The Phantom Menace” LOL).   If you haven’t seen his re-incarnation, I’ll be sure and attach a link to you tube videos, and you’ll see what I’m getting at.  Brilliantly voiced by Sam Witwer (“Smallville” and “Being Human”).

Finally, Ponderings. . . . . “who’s Wicked’s Daddy”??  Are the writers giving us hints, or just making us chase down “rabbit holes”?  Your thoughts, Jeff?  Colleen?


Dan H., Boston MA

Play voicemail intro

Voicemail points:

Play Erin’s 10 Part 1


Prerec Outro:

The Tower

Big Love

Play Erin’s 10 Part 2


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3X13 Witch Hunt – First Thoughts – Star Wars, CSI and TeleGrumpy, Oh My!


Podcast episode 209

Shownotes can be found at

Witch Hunt

The victor enjoying the spoils

Zelena mentioned a family living on the worth of the gems. I wondered if they were retrieved by the seven dwarves for her?

Zelena mentioned that Regina just left them all behind, so Zelena is an opportunist. Maybe Regina will use an opportunity when Zelena is not expecting it to win her kingdom back.

Such pretty things. Wasted on her. Reminds me of a cutting joke women have said “That’s a pretty dress, too bad it’s on you”. Women can be mean.

We know what Regina thinks about sitting on her chair, but what about throwing her things on the floor. Heck, what would Eduardo Castro say?

It seems as if she hadn’t been in the castle very long and she is looking over everything for the first time. A flashback scene maybe?

Zelena brings green smoke with her.

Zelena like gray on her. I wonder what Season that is.

I wonder if Walsh is a bit like The Mirror/Genie/Sydney Glass and is in love with Zelena. Is that why he was chosen to be the right hand flying monkey?

Ruby!! She is not too trusting of Regina.

Robin’s son, Roland. So cute.

Tunnels to the castle. Under the spell. Like the old border

Lower the shield. Star Wars reference.

Regina can turn an impish flying monkey into a grey Teddy Bear or Teddy Monkey that look’s like he could be cast in a Toy Story movie.

Regina’s action begin to build a bridge of friendship in contrast to her comment to Snow about the “forest smelling” Robin Hood.

Robin saved Regina from the Flying Monkey, and Regina saved Robin Hood’s son from the next Flying Monkey. 2 misunderstood heroes. A sweet moment.

Emma, the police detective begins her questioning, except about “the obvious” condition *wink* of Snow.

Snow, “Then everything went black” or green, maybe?

Charming, “Waking up in our beds, like it was any other morning in Storybrooke”. It sounds a bit like the Storybrooke time “record skipping” in Season 1 and highlighted in Season 2’s episode “Welcome to Storybrooke”

“Almost Harvest time, but can’t remember the planting. It’s bad luck, mate” Kinda naughty, Hook.

Emma and Hook, the good cop/investigator (Emma) and the bad cop/investigator (Hook).

Hook fills in more of the gaps.

Snow stands up for Regina.

Emma’s demeanor reminds me of he during the disappearance and alleged death of Kathryn.

How Hook knew about the curse and how to find Emma. As he was sailing the realms (portal usage?), a bird landed on his ship’s wheel with a note (Exactly like it happened to Neal in “Broken”) and a vial of Memory potion tied to its leg. Jokes in Monty Python come to mind about Swallows, but how big was this bird? But Hook said he “gathered the parts” for the potion…

Message by bird is one of Snow’s method of communicating with Charming, but also August to Neal.

Down to Four. Bashful’s not answering. Maybe Sleepy is…

Team Seven need to be quicker texting Happy back.

Storybrooke folks are disappearing. That would give A&E an opportunity to have Meghan a part of the show for Season 3B, but not all the time.

Hook’s look when Neal was mentioned. “He’ll turn up, he always does” Dangit!!!

Neal may have left to find Rumpel’s estate. A Blood Magic cure for Zelena’s curse? A way to find/communicate with Rumpel? What about the enchanted Sand Dollar?

Some folks set up camp near the edge of town. Why a camp?

To get their memories back, Emma needs to find out who took them in the first place. The game is afoot. I guess there might be a bit of Sherlock Holmes in Storybrooke after all.

Belle read about Oz. “The Bookworm’s right” Regina is the new Sawyer from Lost.

East or West? Grumpy One you drop a house on, the other you throw a bucket of water on.

Regina never met Zelena, but she does know all about her.

Regina is pulling an Obi Wan (Lowering the Shield) to Charming’s Han Solo.


One woman job.

Lollipop guild is protecting her. Sweet!

The hero faces the trials alone

Ruby’s back – in my favorite outfit!


Henry not knowing anything is a fun twist. He thinks everyone jumped bail.

Phoenix. Cellmates. Banditry. OMG!

We all make mistakes. We need to find a way to move on.

Regina and Emma about Henry.

Regina’s legs make an appearance. Hashtag awesome


Regina begins to understand the pain of being under a curse. Torture.


The Merry Men in Storybrooke. Little John could help out the Walking Dead, but he stole it. That is a Walking Dead, move though. Was that Jase Robertson with them?



Wild Turkey. Was Little John drinking Wild Turkey before taking that shot?

If that was Walsh, he must be doing P90X, because you know – Little John.

Storybrooke CSI. Emma on the scene. Where was Ted Danson or Elizabeth Shue?

Crossing the town line. Flying Monkey.

Almost married a monster. Flying Monkey.

City Hall is similar to the town line group in “We are Both”. Like Daddy, like daughter. Calming the town down. When people aren’t calm the get really thirsty. There are two pitchers on the desks up front.


Regina did not cast this curse.

Dr. Whale still carries a grudge against Regina.

Emma vs. Regina – again.

Mob mentality, like in Season 2 (Twice; Dr. Whale and King George).

Zelena has blended in with the crowd, but she wasn’t with the initial Storybrooke crowd. She would have to answer lots of questions.

Robin is a hunter. The Flying Monkey wasn’t after Roland, but after Regina. Regina’s action to save Roland was even nobler.

Robin likes Regina, Robin like Regina.

Robin owes Regina a debt.

“Don’t get in my way”

Emma and Regina working together.

Replicating a memory spell.

“Thank you”

Her SuperPower works.

We – I.

Boobie Traps. Raiders of the Lost Kingdom.


Regina is flirting with Robin. Very nice.

An open door? Maybe the blood and the potion allowed Zelena to leave a trap for Regina. The crypt again.

Regina talking about the loss of Henry.

Snow reading about skin rash, while Henry plays games. Snow is acting like a Grandma. Stop that game playing! Read a book.

Zelena missed the last curse. Where is Emma’s SuperPower?

Some of us were supporting players.

Midwife. I’ve seen lots of new mothers. Working her way into Snow’s life. Will she take Snow’s baby? Like Phillip and Aurora’s?

Dragged in the forest. Little John. Walsh sprained something carrying Little John.

Robin never misses.

Sleeping Curse and Snow’s conversation reminds me of Grumpy’s conversation with Snow about her forgetting potion.

Regina, the Science Gal.

Wrong Con, Long Con. Lost.

Trapping the perp.

Telephone, Teletype, TeleGrumpy.

There goes Zelena.

So, Zombies and Flying Monkey have something in common. The bite and transformation.

OUATiW “Bloddy Hell”

Star Trek “I’m a Doctor, not a Vet”

Regina on a stakeout.

“A Hero would come back”

Bloodlock. Zelena’s using Regina’s blood.

Power on the throne.

Phantom Menace lowering the shields.

Zelena vs Regina

I had to take it in a little bit. Wow. Mean Witch.

Zelena knew Cora.

Empire Strikes Back “I’m your sister. Half sister, actually”.

Zelena was given up and sent her away.

Martyr complex.

Only man we both knew – Rumpel. He taught them both.

Zelena “Dear”

“Suffer” a Regina word.

“Fate worse them death” Rumple used the phrase about Pandora’s Box for Peter Pan.

Find something to live for. Someone to destroy. Not Snow.

“I’ve been there before”

Regina meeting Henry.

Stop for Ice Cream (at Sara’s perhaps?).

“Says the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming” Hook

Rumpel’s Back!

Rumpel “You should have never brought me back”

Zelena legs, or ankles at least.


You feed the madness and it feeds on you.


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Remember to take what you need and pass it on

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Wanna Join our Crew?

Are you a Oncer that enjoys writing blog posts?

We are accepting guest post submissions for consideration for our blog or podcast use. We cannot pay you, but we will give you site credit.

Are you a Oncer that does voice acting?

We are always looking for voice actors for consideration for our comedy bits for podcast use. We cannot pay you, but we will give you site podcast/credit. If you are interested, please send a sample of your work (Try to show your range. Imitations of OUAT characters are a plus, so are various accents, etc) to the link below.

Are you a Oncer that writes comedy scripts?

We are always looking for comedy writers and comedy script doctors for consideration for writing or our short comedy bits for podcast use. We cannot pay you, but we will give you site podcast/credit. If you are interested, please send a sample of your work to the link below.