Wow. It just keeps getting better and better. I took a look on iTunes today, and our podcast has cracked the Top 20 of TV and Film of ITunes.
I am floored.
Thank you everyone for all you’ve done to make this happen. We are so grateful and humbled by all of this.
I would only ask 1 thing (Okay, three things); If you have listened to our podcast in the past week for the first time, and really like it and would like to give it visibility for many other people to like it too, please;
ITunes Subscribe:
and Review it.
If you already have, thanks soooo much. 🙂
From the numbers of downloads and plays I’ve seen lately, I don’t think it will take too much to make it in the Top 10 (which would be another HUGE dream come true).
Thank you all. The best is yet to come. 🙂