Welcome to the 18th regular episode of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.
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The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.
In this podcast episode;
Play awesome voicemails that include one from Faustino “Sleepy” DiBauda (Make sure to send him big love on Twitter) and part of the Meghan Ory voicemail. The other portion will be played on the live show this Saturday. Don’t miss it!
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Blog: http://blog.onceuponatimepodcast.com
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Website: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com
Voicemail line: 657-333-0626
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Thanks for listening. Jeff and Colleen.
You know the Pod Casts keep getting better as well, as we begin to carve out a groove… Much love to Melinda,… what a sweetheart!… and RedShoes as well!
HA!, As for first encounters LOL!… Do you remember how that conversation on twitter started?…. The Huffington Post article about OUAT and the uprising it began? Then it was you, Malini and the guy w/the podcast from the UK not understanding that time and aging were frozen in Storybrooke, Ah yes!, But look how far you all have come!….lol. I’m so proud of you all!…. *tear rolling down my cheeck*. LOL!….And so it began!… CHEERS! to my new family of friends! YOU GUYS ROCK!… l 8^}
Amazing. Maybe if Megan loves the podcast, she’ll get Beverley (Granny) or Jessy (Cinderella) to call in too! Any chance you could possibly play the voice mail at the beginning of the live show instead of the end? The end is now often between 11 and 1130 EST time. But daylight saving time begins tomorrow night with us springing ahead at 2am. Making 1130 EST tomorrow night basically the equivalent of 1230 in the morning. Accommodate us poor East Coasters (like me) who have to be up at 7am on Sunday. 🙁
I promise I’ll still listen to the entire live show another night.