023 OUAT Fan Podcast – The Return Voicemails

Welcome to the 23rd regular episode of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.


The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.

In this podcast episode;
We play awesome voicemails from awesome listeners.

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Big love to all of you who listen, share with friends and support what we do. 🙂

We invite you to use our Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast Amazon Store: http://store.onceuponatimepodcast.com
Our podcast is now on Itunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-time-podcast/id480653028).

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There are a number of ways to get ahold of us and stay connected;
Blog: http://blog.onceuponatimepodcast.com
Facebook Fan Page: http://facebook.com/ouatpodcast
Website: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com
Voicemail line: 657-333-0626
Our NEW Email: feedback@onceuponatimepodcast.com
Twitter: @ouatpodcast

Thanks for listening. Jeff and Colleen.

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