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Thank you all who joined us, listened and chatted it up in our new Ustream chatroom! We appreciate all of you!
Our Blog Post on Spoilers: http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/ouat-are-we-losing-the-surprise-factor-in-once-upon-a-time/
Pictures from Steveston in the last 2 weeks showing up on all kinds of blogs (Not even TV show related).
Explanations of what people were seeing in the photos in Steveston. No links, no warnings of spoilers. Visible to anyone who follows them on Twitter.
I know there are people that are ravenous for spoilers, and if you post them, you will get web traffic, but is it worth it?
Tweet from Steveston to not post pics.
Kind warnings from the set to not post pictures til after the episode has aired.
Ginnifer Goodwin mentioned at Comic Con that she was worried that some of the finale scenes that people saw being filmed would lead to people letting spoilers out.
Hey Jeff, Collen, Louie, Don Juanito, and Sammy The Squirrel
Its Ima and I just wanted to take the serious route for once on the show. One that you’ll probably won’t see again, but anyways that’s beside the point. I want to discuss the Tweet you had put out recently about all these spoilers. Now I know some people are all for spoilers and that’s fine everyone is different, but some aren’t. I’m sometimes am ok with spoilers, but only the teasing kind. You see like one picture and it has you thinking. Now I’m not hating on anyone for what they do, but I am afraid that if things like this keep up the people involved with the Show are going to start closing off the set for others. I myself am planning to go in September to check out the cast and crew and see how a filming process happens. I’ve never been on a set before and thought it be cool to go and see my favorite show being filmed. I will not be taking pictures of what happens for the respect of others. The only pictures I will be taking are if I see a cast member and they allow a photo. It’s like going to Disney as a kid and seeing that your favorite character isn’t real. It ruins the magic and hard work that others put into. People also ruin it for others that might not want to see. I myself like to avoid tumblr on Sundays when Once airs because I see it later. Then while it’s showing or the minute its done people are already spoiling it. I just think people should tag in hiding with the title “spoilers”. Now I know some people do tag and state a spoiler but the majority don’t and it sucks really that people do this. I can barely go on Tumblr now. I just don’t want it to end were they end up closing the set to everyone and ruining other’s experience that don’t spoil. So please when you do this keep in mind other people’s feelings. I hope people don’t blow this e-mail out of proportion because I’m just stating my thoughts. Again love the podcast cause you guys are awesome and everyone in it as well. Big Love as always and sorry for such a big rant but that tweet got me thinking. Thought I’d say a couple of words of wisdom. PS It’s been a while since you’ve read an e-mail by me so I thought I’d write it instead of saying it.
Differences between Casting News, Spoiler Photos and Vids, and Script spoiler info.
Casting News – To me, this is when a new actor/actress is introduced to the show (and we want to support them as we do with the rest of the cast), but that includes a new character name, as well.
Spoiler photos –
Spoiler Videos – I have not heard or seen this, but in other instances, studios are very fast as getting these pulled.
Script spoiler info –
Leaks from insiders, or friends of insiders –
Is it safe for East Coasters to post comments about spoilers during or after the viewing of the episode? What about other time zones?
What about people that weren’t able to watch the episode live? Folks who watch it later on DVR?
What about people in other countries that won’t see first runs of the show for months and want to join the worldwide?
Answers –
Have a spoiler section warning at the end of a podcast?
Spoiler tags on information on blogs or forums?
The Bottom Line: My concern is that if people continue to take, send out and post spoiler information, ABC could step in and severely limit fan observance of filming access or shut sites down.
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Our podcast is on Itunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-time-podcast/id480653028). Please leave some great reviews and comments. We really appreciate it. P.S. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those who have already left ratings and reviews. We have the best listeners in the world!
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Thanks for listening and spreading the word. Jeff and Colleen.