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I am addicted to Once Upon a Time!!! I really can’t wait for season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😛
Pingback: 3X09 Save Henry – First Thoughts - No Regrets, More Pixie Dust, Emma Jones, Who Ya Gonna Call? | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X09 Save Henry – Main Show - Momma Regina, Emma got her wish, We heart Archie, and more | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X10 The New Neverland – First Thoughts - Good and Bad Moments, Focus on the Wrong Thing, Old is New - Really??? | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X12 New York City Serenade – First Thoughts - Reflections of the Past, and Back to the Future | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X13 Witch Hunt – First Thoughts - Star Wars, CSI and TeleGrumpy, Oh My! | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X13 Witch Hunt - Main Show - Sisters or not? Daddy Rumpel? Walsh - Wizard? Rumpel Crazy or Crazy like a Fox? Another Castle entrance? | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X14 The Tower - First Thoughts - Lots of Daddy Issues, Facing Fears, SW and Raiders shout outs, Scary movies, Hitchcock shots, WW Cowardly? | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X14 The Tower - Main Show - Who is Zelena's Daddy? Who is the Tin Man and Scarecrow? We're spinning out control! | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X15 Quiet Minds - First Thoughts - | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X15 Quiet Minds - Main Show - The Thin Ice Episode. We miss Neal, too. | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X17 The Jolly Roger - First Thoughts - Star Wars, Raiders, Lost, POTC and more BBs - 218 | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X17 The Jolly Roger - Main Show - The Eyes Have It - 220 | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X19 A Curious Thing - Hearts, Flowers and a Book - Main Show - 224 | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X20 Kansas – Choices, Destiny and Cyclones - First Thoughts - 225 | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X22 There's No Place Like Home - Main Show - 230 | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X21 Snow Drifts - Main Show | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X22 There's No Place Like Home - Living History instead of Reading it, Terminator 2, Chipped Cups and Dusty Covers - First Thoughts - 228 | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X08 Think Lovely Thoughts – Main Show - Even Lower Ratings, Charming Love, and more | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X21 Snow Drifts - Ren Faire Emma, Betamax, Running Away, Ruby and the Rolly Joger - First Thoughts - 227 | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X16 It's Not Easy Being Green - First Thoughts - Envy, Vader and Sibling Rivalry, Oh my! | Once Upon a Time Fan PodcastOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X20 Kansas - Glinda the Bad? Flying Monkey Business, Happy Mother's Day - Main Show - 226Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X19 A Curious Thing – Curses, Flying Monkeys and Fractions, Oh My - First ThoughtsOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X18 Bleeding Through - Main Show - We are old, Rabbit trails, and other things - 222Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X18 Bleeding Through - First Thoughts - 221Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X16 It's Not Easy Being Green - Main Show - Emma Saving Walsh Could Throw a Monkey Wrench in it for HookOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X12 New York City Serenade – Main Show - Mickey, Star Wars, Emma Walsh's savior? Wrong Way Emma, Right Hand Monkey, Rumpel behind the curtain?Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X11 Going Home – First Thoughts - Everytime a shadow dies..., Paying the Price, Forget me Not.Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast
Pingback: 3X10 The New Neverland – Main Show - Felix and Dark Curse TheoriesOnce Upon a Time Fan Podcast