Category Archives: Legends of FrontierLand Podcast

LOFGR 03 Tour of Tips and Tricks of playing Legends of Frontierland




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Trading Post




Start here, Lease property. Lease property early in the day (its cheaper).


Telegraph Station


Crack codes, deliver messages, get other tasks to do for bits


Golden Horseshoe


Remember, some activities happen out in front of the GH



Talent Agency. Mostly drawing, but you can get creative, too.


Card Games. It’s like the game ‘War’ to make (or lose) bits.


Sheriff Office/Jail




Depending on current rules) Pay for and make Wanted posters, apprehend ‘crimnals’, play Rock/Paper/Scissors and either send the criminal to jail or you spend time in jail, meet Willum or others there for tasks you will need to complete.


LB Elixir Cart (Across from the Golden Horseshoe)



Buy elixirs, maybe get a story, song or a bit for doing so.




Nothing happens here, except people sit down and eat here.


Big Thunder Ranch Petting Zoo



See the Mascot’s for Rainbow Ridgers and Forntierlanders


In front of the Shooting Gallery


LOFGR 02 Getting Started in Legends of Frontierland


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Where to Start


We started at the Trading Post (Which actually isn’t in the Trading Post store. Listen to the podcast episode find out where it is), but initially only Frontierlanders were to start there. Raindow Ridgers were supposed to start at the Hideout (What’s at the Hideout? Listen to the podcast episode and find out).

Here are the Main locations (On the Map);
Trading Post
Golden Horseshoe (Inside and out front, too)
Telegraph Station
Sheriff Office/Jail
The Hideout

Locations not on the Map;
Shooting Gallery
Big Thunder Petting Zoo

We give you a tip so you can use your name tag over and over again.

LOFGR 01 Intro to New LARP Game at Disneyland


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Thunderbird Tommy Allison (Co-Host of the DisGeek Podcast, Contributor to the Sweep Spot Podcast, and other Disney Podcasts) and Jumpin’ Jeff Roney (Host of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast ( host the Legends of Frontierland: Gold Rush Game Podcast to Introduce you to and give you tips to this new game at Disneyland in Frontierland.

It is a LARP (Live Action Role Playing Game).

The hours are 11AM to 6PM.

Tokens you receive when you perform tasks in the game;
Gold Nuggets are worth 50 bits.
Wooden Nickels are worth 5 bits.

We discuss the goal of the game and some strategies to accomplishing the goal in a quicker manner.

We discuss what kind of a personality you will need to have to play the game successfully. Do you have the perfect personality for it?

We discuss the best type of visitor to Disneyland suited for this game.

We discuss whether you should use your Smartphone while you play the game or not.

Our website is GoldRushGame.Info

The Legends of Frontierland: Gold Rush Game Podcast is an unofficial podcast and not affliated with the Disney Company or the Official Legends of Frontierland: Gold Rush interactive experience.

This podcast is presented as subjective information and entertainment only. Our opinions and thoughts do not reflect those of the Disney Company.