We conclude our interview with Reini Side as she shares how Once Upon a Time inspires her to help others
Interview with Reini Side – Regina Redeemed – Part 3
Has OUAT and Cosplaying given you opportunities to give back to others? What have been some highlights?
Yes, it has! In the friendships made with other fans, I’ve had amazing opportunities to listen to others who are hurting and offer them so much love and encouragement! My field of study was counseling/therapy, and it’s been great being able to offer those skills to others. In addition to this, I’ve had the opportunity to cosplay for young fans, giving them something exciting to look forward to, and I am in the beginning stages (with my Snow White counterpart) of getting certified to…
…go full cosplay into hospitals and reach out to ill youngsters who need hope and encouragement.
Have you ever met your favorite OUAT actor or actresses? Who is it? If you have met him/her, what was that meeting like?
RegalCon made the opportunity to meet my favorite OUAT actors/actresses possible! They were all great, but if I had to choose my top 2 favorites, I would have to say Lana Parrilla and Rebecca (Bex) Mader. It was thrilling!!! Meeting Bex was exciting, and she was VERY easy to engage in conversation. Seeing me in full Evil Queen regalia, she greeted me with “Hello Sis!” Meeting Lana was quite funny…as shy as I am NOT, I found I completely forgot what I wanted to say to her, and could barely squeak out a “Hi Lana!” We were able to connect better during a private Meet & Greet event. She was truly lovely and gracious. It was a dream come true.
What are your thoughts about Season 5?
I think it will be VERY interesting to see Regina and Emma in complete role reversal!! I’m excited to see Camelot, being one of my favorite stories, and I’m interested to see Henry’s development this season, as the new Author. And I can’t wait to see Ruby back!!
What causes or charities are important to you and how can we help? What projects are you involved with and how can we see them and support you with them?
(I’ve combined these two questions, as they’re really tied together for me).
Besides visiting children in hospitals, I have two other passions I dive into to make a difference. First, there are SO MANY homeless children in my hometown (over 200 in one district alone!), and I have had the privilege of working with one of the school districts to provide brand new clothing items for these kids…most of them never having owned ANYTHING new before!!
Second, I am active in the fight against human trafficking, having some of the LARGEST ports for it in my home state of Washington. I have partnered with some teams, including my activist sister, to provide awareness and training content all over Washington State, and, being even a tiny part, have had success changing laws and ordinances in certain counties to protect women in certain at-risk industries.
Ways to help?
For homeless children, get in conversation with your local school district to find out what their specific homeless student needs are! It’s easy to donate, whether it’s a backpack with school supplies or sturdy clothing items. For the human trafficking issue, get educated, be aware, and if you have time, partner with an advocate group! Some of the top recommended groups are:
Shared Hope International – this is one of the larger groups in the fight.
REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade) in Seattle is on the front lines and brings in girls escaping the life all the time. Also well reputed. They assist girls with seeking new jobs, legal assistance, etc.
For education, Melissa Farley at the Prostitution Research Center in San Francisco is an amazing resource. She is a good person to speak to about how coercion and lack of choice are present in most cases of prostitution.
The local Coalitions Against Trafficking through WA Engage are phenomenal. They work on a grassroots level to educate their communities and to push for legislation.
The newest one I’m connecting with this weekend is Rescue:Freedom, helping pull women out of the industry, as well as helping those who are ready earn their Masters degrees in counseling and therapy to help others who are being rescued. It’s amazing.
Ok, I feel like that was a mouthful!!
Is your significant other a Oncer, too? How do they deal with your Oncerness?
ABSOLUTELY! My deceased husband was NOT a fan, but my new Robin Hood totally is! In fact, he started watching it when we first met because he wanted to be able to understand my
passion and chat about something I was interested in…and then he got sucked in. He’s completely supportive!
What is your favorite OUAT line and why?
Oh man…do I only get to choose one?? There are so many! Probably when Regina is approached by Dr. Hopper in season 2 and she says, “Oh right, the conscience thing.” Or to Granny, “Stick to the lasagna, lady!” I love them because they’re so rude, they’re funny!
This is Jeff. I’d like to thank Reini for such a fun, insightful and revealing interview. I also wanted to let you know that Reini has a website of her own that I’d like you to check out:
It’s called Regina Redeemed (http://reginaredeemed.com/) and you will find more about what Reini is up to these days there.
If you love Once Upon a Time, please check out our podcast: The Once Upon A Time Fan Podcast. When they are airing new episodes, we have 2 episodes a week; First Thoughts – Recorded directly after the West Coast airing of a new episode, and The Main Show – Recorded later in the week when we include feedback from listeners all over the world.
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