When I jumped into the OUAT fan webspace, Gareth’s http://onceuponatime.co.uk was new. Over time, it has come together as a great fan site. We want to support others in OUAT fandom, and Gareth has a great opportunity to share with us.
“Head to the fan site on the 12th February 2012 for real time discussion as 1×12 airs live. The long awaited ‘Beauty & The Beast’ episode, ‘Skin Deep’.
Moderation of the live stream will begin from 7.30pm EST and we will live blog right through the episode.
I will then be heading over to http://www.blogcritics.org, where I have been invited by Barbara Barnett to take part in a post show discussion of the episode with herself and Jane Espenson. We will advertise the direct link to the Blog Critics Live discussion nearer the time. It will begin at 9PM EST.
As stated, Once Upon A Time writer Jane Espenson will be joining the discussion on Blog Critics, so it would be awesome if some of the fan site members could send in questions for me to put to her, as well as heading over to Blog Critics to join the discussion and hear what Jane has to say about the episode. It should be a very interesting and informative evening.
Please try to find the time to join us for this event. The last one was a massive success with over 100 viewers and more than 200 comments contributed.
You can set yourself a personal reminder for this event over at the fan site.”
Hi Jeff. Thanks for posting. Jane E was very kind to agree to yet another episode encounter with me 🙂 (The last two were pre-episode interviews.) Very excited to have her come to a live chat. Hope to see you there. (Love the podcast, BTW)
You are very kind, Barbara. Thank you. I’m sorry, but during the show we are writing furious notes in preparation for our First Thoughts episode. I would like to talk to you soon about an interview of some kind. Please email me if you are interested. Thanks.
Sounds great. I’ll try to remember to be there.