OUAT – Oncers Take Manhattan Part 2

Once Upon a September Day
by Marissa @shortndsweet15


My sister and I then headed to Bloomingdales, where that day the store was unveiling their OUAT window display. Furthermore, the savior herself, Jennifer Morrison, was going to be doing an autograph/picture session for fans! My sister and I made the walk to the famous shopping center (funny enough, we walked down the exact same street that a certain yet to be identified stranger would walk just days later in OUAT’s Season 2 opener!) When we arrived at Bloomingdales, I was completely mesmerized by the absolutely beautiful windows showcasing my favorite show. There were 6 windows total, each celebrating a different part of the show that fans around the world have come to love so dearly. The windows included one featuring Emma battling the dragon, another dedicated to the town of Storybrooke, one with Snow and Charming and the iconic glass coffin, another featuring Rumplestilstkin and Belle, and of course one featuring The Queen. The detail in each of the windows was incredible, and I could have easily just stood there for hours admiring them. I hope the display will remain for a while so that as many fans as possible can see it.

When we got inside we hung out for a while with many other fans who had come to see Jen. Right next to the area where Jen would soon come out there, was a display featuring Bloomingdales new OUAT-inspired clothing line. They had Emma’s famous leather jackets in both red and brown, a beautiful white dress inspired by Snow’s wedding gown, and a black/gold evening dress, no doubt a tribute to Regina. After a while, the staff lined us up in anticipation of Jen’s arrival. Entitled “Happy Ever After Hour”, we were served lemonade, sparking water, apple martinis if desired, and some tasty hors d’oeuvres. It was definitely a lot fancier than I was expecting! Tons of photographers and members of the press were surrounding the table where Jen was to do the signing, and before long, she came out to a thunderous applause from the store crowd. The cameras flashed away and Jen then did a quick interview, which for us was out of ear shot because we were right behind her. It was really exciting being surrounded by so many fans, and you could just feel the energy in the room, and with the premiere just 3 days away, everyone’s excitement was at an all time high. Then one by one, each person got to meet the famous Storybrooke Sherriff. It was really nice because each fan got the chance to meet and talk briefly with her. When it was my turn I got a big smile and a wonderful hug. This was my first time really being able to speak with her; I told her that OUAT had truly changed my life, and that I had gotten the chance to see some filming in Vancouver, and how it just made me have even greater love and respect for the cast and crew. She was so lovely and seemed so appreciative, and said she was so excited for me and everyone to see Season 2. She signed my poster, we took a quick picture and then said our goodbyes. My sister then followed and we sadly had to rush out of the store to catch our train home.

It was definitely a most magical Once Upon A Time day! I will be forever grateful for the getting the incredible opportunities that I did. I have been so lucky in so many ways ever since Once Upon A Time came into my life, and I am beyond blessed. The show, and the wonderful people that bring it to life have truly showed me the fairytales can come true!

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