Rumpelstiltskin has a vast collection of potions – and they are labeled with pictures/symbols.
We know that the heart symbol refers to the potion for true love. What could be the potions for the other symbols?
Share with us your thoughts in the comments below.
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I see Clouds, (Storm? Change?) Something indistinguishable, Feather,(?) Snake eating it’s own tail, (Healing? Eternal?) Skull and bones, (Death? End?) Something indistinguishable, Crown, (Power?) Moon, (Darkness? Concealment? Transformation?) Heart, (Love) Sun, (Light? Knowledge?) Acorn, (Seed? New life?) and Something indistinguishable.
Not sure on a lot of them, but the ouroboros (serpent eating its own tail) could mean immortality, while the skull and cross bones is generally death. If the one is a feather, possibly its a flying potion? The crown could symbolize power or riches. The moon and sun could be darkness and light potions. Beyond that I can’t see them well enough to feel comfortable taking a stab at them.
Those are great catches. Lots to get just out of the bottles alone. Thanks.
First time on this blog but I have listened to every episode and am a fan of this podcast. I just wanted to share my first reaction to the potion bottle on the lower level – third from the right. It looks like the picture/symbol could be Jesus and the bottle contents are his crown of thorns.
What’s Happenning Mike?…And Welcome!
That’s what it looks like to me too. But what could that signify? Suffering? Sacrifice? Pain? Resurrection? Transcendence? Peace? Truth? The ultimate Hero’s Journey?…..
Well for one if those are the thorns from the biblical Jesus it would indicate Rumples long life or ability to time travel to possess the thorns. Speaking of saviors though, i have heard some refer to Emma as having a savior role, one where sacrifice will be needed. Back to Jesus, maybe Rumple made a deal with him or someone else to save the savior. Not sure if any of this connects but you did ask. ,
Yeah!, I’m afraid that may happen as well. Emma is on that path and the term savior is used to often…. I believe it will probably require a death and resurrection, a death in Storybrooke to be resurrected back in FairyTale Land returning everyone to the Enchanted Forest,……………………..and living happily ever after! Awe!….. π
One dramatic final scene to the series (as we know it so far)…. Emma does the ultimate sacrfice and we are all sad until we see Snow and PC, with little baby Emma in their arms.
And while we’re on the subject, I don’t think that Rumple’ made a love potion using PC’s and Snow White’s strands of hair. I believe he simply bottled an ingredient…”True Love”. An ingredient that has not been impossible for Rumple’ to get. I think it was just difficult to get it from these two. It seems that Rumple’ cannot simply pluck a hair from your head and use it!. I believe in both these cases, the ingredients had to be part of payment to a deal made by the owner of the ingredient… in this case, strands of hair. Snow gave her hair as payment for the potion to erace her memory of PC. PC gave his Cloak, which contained his hair, as payment for a deal of information. Both had given consent. I also don’t think that the rest of those bottles hold potions. I believe that they are all individual ingredients, used to make specific potions. I believe that Rumple’ has been working on his freedom and redemption from the curse of the Dark One for 100’s of years, trying to figure out a way to end it without having to pass it on. I believe that when he finally bottled PC’s & Snow’s True Love, that the excitement he showed wasn’t about power, it was excitement about finally obtaining the final ingredient to his plan!…. The creation of the Dark Curse. You see, I believe that Rumple’ could have made the Dark Curse using True Love bottled from any one of our beloved Royal Unions. True Love from the strands of hair from Frederick & Abigail, or Thomas & Cinderella, either would have sufficed. I believe that Rumple’ needed “this” Dark Curse made from PC and Snow because of the relationship between her and the Evil Queen. Not only did Rumple’ want vengence against the EQ, but, the destruction of her and her Evil, while at the same time breaking and destroying the Evil of the curse of the Dark One and hoping to redeem his own soul to peace and finally, his third goal, to complete the “Hat Trick” setting up a situation in which a savior child rescues and returns home those temporarily trapped by the Dark Curse he was forced to create in order to entice the Evil Queen Regina into casting it for him as he could not be part of the casting of such a curse as he would pay the consequences along with Regina in the end, quashing his hopes for redemption. He recognized the blinding hatred the EQ had for Snow White and decided that, that was the way to go! Regina would be forever blinded by that hate and thus easily manipulated whenever MM/SW could be used for bait. Because Rumple used True Love bottled from PC & SW, and no one else!, Rumple’ created a curse that could only be broken by a child made of that True Love union as well as giving that child magic powers within the relm of the Dark Curse (Storybrooke) and at the same time removing all other magic powers formerly possessed by he and Regina while within the relm of the Dark Curse (Storybrooke). Rumple’ made Storybrooke for Emma and Emma is the only one with power in Storybrooke. They gave us a little hint of that in the Pilot as Emma slams on the breaks of her VW when Henry wouldn’t tell her where he lived. INFURIATED! she climbs out of the car in the middle of the intersection and slams the door as sparks explode from the power lines above. Then again on the second day when her decision (intent) to stay Restarts Time!. That’s pretty powerful magic right there!….. and we blew it off!,…duh!? lol… And then again when the magic hat she made worked and sent Jefferson someplace!…”?”
If those are thorns maybe it refers to Aslan and not Jesus. Narnia is a magical world and all.
Speaking of sacrifice, im now thinking pinoccio will have to die before emma believes, thereby serving as sacrifice. With this in mind, im glad pinocc and his dad are having time together even though it wont be known until near or after death.
Emma will not get absolute proof as she needs to take a leap of faith. Im wondering if pinocc will be the only to die or will it take more?
Sad thing is, emma may lose her son in a sense if he becomes the ultimate savior, being left alone in storybook, unable to follow others since he does not belong there. Emma was born there although left before or as the curse was coming, or ?
I think Henry being half FairyTale Character will come into play right about then…. Perhaps an ability to travel between both worlds…. OR, the simple ability to make a choice between the two worlds forever! ….. Here! or there?….. gee, which do you think he’ll pick? LOL! …….. Prince Henry? or Orphan Henry?….Ha!
Really, what if all but young Henry can return to Fairy Tale Land? Isnt he the only one that is not from there? Having a mother from Fairy Tale may not bring him citizenship. In the end all he will have is the book.