2 thoughts on “Paley Fest Pictures

  1. Liz Stein

    I really like the pictures great job. I love the one with Ginnfer Goodwin and Jennifer Morrison. I really admire Emma. I like it how she always stands for what she believes in and is always on guard. Mary just cracked me up when Dreamy and Mary were trying to sell candles and when no one would get one you just see Mary make a face in hopes that some one would. Ha , ha. It really made me laugh. I finally did get to see the episode . Yah ! I really need to catch up on Once Upon a Time. Hopefully they will come out with the first season on DVD ! God bless you guys all of you are such wonderful gifted actors.

  2. Ray

    Thank you for sharing all of the pictures! I only saw some of them at a different group but I knew I could depend on you guys 🙂 Poor Robert didn’t get the memo 😛 He looked good though:)


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