Tag Archives: daultry

OUAT – Who are you?

We saw a very cool cameo by the Who frontman, Roger Daultry as the Caterpiller.

The theme of ‘Who are you?’ is central to Once Upon a Time.

Who are you, as far as what you believe about yourself. What you think you are capable of?

Emma constantly has people calling her a savior, but when will she believe it?

Henry tells her that she is Brave, etc, when will she take it to heart?

Mr. Gold told her that she is stronger than she thinks she is. When will she believe that?

When will more people learn more about who they really are (not just in Storybrooke, ‘As long as they can remember,’) in Henry’s book and take their place as warriors in the two sides of the battle that will be taking place to break the curse and defeat the other side?


Who you are, and
What you are destined to be – is very powerful. Today is today, but the struggles today can lead to seeing how much you can overcome tomorrow.

So, Who are you?