I know some people may get tired of my OMG moments, but this was very, very cool.
I looked down at the incoming links for the podcast site today, and I see mytalk1071.com. I click to see where it was, and I was floored.

A very cool radio host, Alexis Thompson (the Co-Host of the Jason and Alexis show) found the Emma Baby blanket pattern, and in turn found our interview with Caitlin. Alexis linked to both on their radio show website page. I was blown away.
First off, Jason and Alexis, thank you so much for that. All of us from the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast send you big love to you in the Twin Cities from So Cal and listeners all over the world!
The interview we did with Caitlin Ffrench was such a blast, and we are glad you enjoyed and shared it! The Once Upon a Time TV Show and the fan podcast has shown us that dreams do come true. Thanks again for your kindness.
Now, awesome listeners of Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast, let’s show Jason and Alexis some love:
Their show page is: http://www.mytalk1071.com/shows/jasonmatheson
Please drop by, and check out the link to our interview with Caitlin they put up on 1/23 and see all their other cool links. Be sure to listen to their show, too (Please always make time to still listen to our podcast. Just sayin’).
Jason’s Twitter handle is: @jasonmatheson Follow him, tell him we sent you and show him some Twitter love.
Alexis’ Twitter handle is: @lexandthecities Follow her, tell her we sent you and show her some Twitter love. Truth be told, Alexis is more of a Oncer than Jason, but we still got bunches of Twitter love for Jason. 🙂
FYI: If you listen to hour 3 of the J&A show on 1/23 you’ll hear them talk about Emma’s Baby blanket, and our podcast. I’m still in shock at the coolness of it.