Tag Archives: rise of the plant of the apes

013 FAM OUAT – Mixlr changes, Meghan Ory and Dwarf uprising.

This was our eighth live show using MIXLR.com.

We’d like to apologize to those who experienced issues with the mixlr upgrade. We are in contact with mixlr to see if we can get instructions to help those used to the old setup to feel more comfortable, etc. Here is a support page that you should be seeing those instructions:


Thank you all who joined us (and toughed it out this week), listened and chatted it up on the Mixlr.com chatroom! We appreciate all of you!

We are so happy to be able to play the awesome voicemail that Meghan Ory left on our voicemail line. Be sure to thank her via Twitter (@meghanrory) that you heard her voicemail on @ouatpodcast. Thanks.

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