Tag Archives: writer

OUAT – Insteresting tidbits about Mr. August Wayne Booth

We got an email from longtime friend of what we do here, David B;

“August Wayne Booth sounds similar to John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln’s assassin).

From wikipedia…In August 1855 John Wilkes Booth made his stage debut in
the supporting role of the Earl of Richmond in Richard III at Baltimore’s
Charles Street Theatre. Author Gene Smith wrote that Booth’s acting may
not have been as precise as his brother Edwin’s, but his strikingly
handsome appearance enthralled women.

David B.”

We did mention the initial connection to the name booth in our First Thoughts episode on What Happened to Frederick: Listen here

Sure, this might be a stretch here, but a few things stick out to me;

JWB was an actor. Playing a role.
JWB had a brother. Many people have theorized that August was one of the Grimm brothers.
JWB was an assassin. Some have intimated that the August may have not so good intentions in Storybrooke.
JWB was handsome. My wife does fall into the “enthralled” by August, too.

Thanks David for your cool input.

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