026 OUAT Fan Podcast – A Land Without Magic Voicemails

Welcome to the 26th regular episode of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.


The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.

In this podcast episode;
We play awesome voicemails from awesome listeners.

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bought the OUAT Full Soundtrack, please purchase with our Amazon Affiliate link: Here

pre-ordered the OUAT Season 1 Blu Ray, please pre-order with our Amazon Affiliate link: Here


Big love to all of you who listen, share with friends and support what we do. 🙂

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Thanks for listening. Jeff and Colleen.

One thought on “026 OUAT Fan Podcast – A Land Without Magic Voicemails

  1. Manny

    Great show guys!

    Ok, If Maleficent’s original form is a Dragon, then it makes sense that she would return to a Dragon upon entering Storybrooke w/o anyone chosing her form, as I don’t think they could choose a particular form as there was no magic in Storybrooke…. In addition, it also means that Rumplestiltskin knew, not only that Maleficent would be in Storybrooke, but that her form “would be a Dragon” thus, would be a perfect place to hide “that bottle of stuff”…. I call it “stuff” because I don’t think we’ve been told what that really was that he threw into the well. Rumple’ knew back in FTL that Maleficent would be a Dragon in Storybrooke and is why he needed Prince Charming to put that “bottle of stuff” inside the Dragon!. Now was that a plan “B”, just in case, kind of thing? or had Rumplestiltskin been able to see into the future to this point? I would have to believe that this IS what Rumple’ has intended all along and that his plan has come to a “Phase Two” or second half of his total plan to find Baelfire….. Which has to mean that Rumple’ has seen beyond this point and has made plans that are already in effect. It doesn’t seem to me that Rumple’, much like the psychics of present day, is given any personal insight to his own path in life, thus, not knowing that Belle was in Storybrooke, or even Alive, or that AWB was not his son or if Bae is still even Alive or where he is….. He can only see that which does not concern him directly, again, like today’s psychics!
    One more thing @Colleen!…. I’ve been asking this question since episode 5 ” That Still Small Voice” aired back in November over ThanksGiving! The Blue Fairy told Jimney that he would “live” as long as he needed to, to help “little” Geppetto find his way, as he would have many obstacles to overcome. Well, Jimney was there the entire time up til Pinocchio becamw a real boy,… then should have died having fullfilled his end of the deal with the Blue Fairy and all way before the Dark Curse hit. Why was Jimney still alive come the pilot of the show? If the Dark powers of Rumplestiltskin can foretell the distant future, then we would have to assume that The Blue Fairy can as well, and perhaps further? Since she is supposed to be the original power, why could she not tell Geppetto if Pinocchio would return to wood upon entry into Storybrooke? Hell, Geppetto and the rest of us figured that one out!…… YET! Rumple’ knew that Maleficent would be a Dragon in Storybrooke!!…… Who really is the more powerful in the land? Could Rumple’ have been telling us the actual truth about his power from the beginning? But, that was the Dark One’s Curse, which has now been broken! Why would Rumple’ return the Dark One’s powers when it was so hard to get rid of it…or would be so hard to get rid of it again! True Love’s kiss? Is this his way out this time? After he finds Bae’??…… Please Help! I’ve run out of Crayons…. 8^{


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