Once Upon a Time is a fabulous show, but who are the 5 Once Upon a Time Characters we MUST know more about?
5. Jefferson
We loved Jefferson’s magical hat and his insta portal to many magical lands, but we want more. What other adventures did he have? What about his backstory? Who were his parents? We need to know!
4. Gaston
We know that Rumpel is quite a jealous fellow and dispense quickly with another suitor for Belle, be we want more. Was the Gaston of OUAT like the Disney animated feature or as tortured as the rest of the characters?
3. Granny
Have crossbow, will protect Red. Sure, we know that, but we want to dive into Granny Lucas’ monologue, “But, I haven’t said how I know. Nearly threescore years ago, I was a child with six older brothers. Big as oak trees, all of them veterans of the Second Ogres War…” and learn more about her backstory.
2. Team Seven
We know about Dreamy’s backstory, but what about the rest of Team Seven? We see more of Grumpy, Doc, Sneezy, Happy and Sleepy in Storybrooke, but what about Fairy Tale Land adventures in flashbacks? Did any of the other dwarves fall in love? Heigh Ho, we’re in!
1. Blue Fairy
Blue knows quite about about a lot of things, but we really don’t know much about her? We’ve seen stories about other fairies and even a Fairy Godmother, but what is the backstory of Rheul Ghorm? Is Blue, Rheul Ghorm? Is she an average fairy pretending to be RG?
What other characters would you like to see added to our list?
Leave your comments below.
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I would like to see more of these characters’ backstories’. In order of preference though I would say: Granny, Jefferson, the seven dwarves, the blue fairy, Gaston. I wouldn’t mind if we never saw Gaston’s story though. Every story they put in the show is important to the story line. While I like all the new characters we keep getting, it would be nice to leave a few episodes of the character’s we haven’t gotten a chance to go deeper within their backstories.