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Heart of Gold Review
First Thoughts
Prerec Intro:
Episode Number: 274
Show notes can be found at:
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Like E.T., without keys
David and Mary Margaret confess about knowing the author
David and Mary Margaret admit to being human and made a mistake
Magical Quill must be made from the wood of Enchanted Tree. There is none in Storybrooke.
The author didn’t enjoy writing about Gold at all
Gold rescues the author, in trade for writing him new happy endings
Gold had Regina in cuffs (Magical cuffs?). He released her and gave her Robin’s phone number.
“I’m walking here!!” from Midnight Cowboy
Polar Star Coach – Lost
Bae’s apartment is a new hostel for those from the Enchanted Forest.
Marion lays down her purse, and she is welcomed to New York by being robbed
Robin steals (or borrows) a horse to get back Marion’s purse
Little John!
Robin and Marion’s Tavern
Robin of Loxley, walking the straight and narrow. Not vocalized, but we felt the same way about Regina.
Sheriff of Nottingham
“I can speak for myself” Marion. Go Marion
Big Love. Take what you need and pass it on.
Prerec Outro:
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We send BigLove out to everyone
Remember to take what you need and pass it onThanks to everyone for listening, however you listen

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