Lacey Further Discussions – Bad Ratings, Changing 4 URSelf & Beans


We discuss further themes and topics from “Lacey”.

Are you concerned about the low Season 2 ratings?

Here is a Twitter convo with Adam H (including Manny) about the low ratings:









Adam Horowitz mentioned that the producers receive their viewing numbers from a private source. It appears that DVR viewing, commercial views during DVR watching numbers are added to the live viewing numbers to this private source of viewing number information.

Do you think it is wise to keep this more combined viewing information from the public? Does it make sense that the only viewing numbers available to the public (per the Twitter exchange with Adam above) are numbers that are so low and wrong? Does anyone know where we can see this viewing numbers mentioned by Adam posted somewhere? Anywhere?

Brad’s voicemail;

Chinadoll Henry, Beans, Tron trails, Granny’s Lasagna, Granny’s eyes, Changing for something/someone else or for yourself.

Jeff’s bean connections on why David wanted chili without beans. Here is one

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