OUAT – Adam Horowitz & Edward Kitsis renew their deal with ABC and Disney

Once Upon A Time executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz have renewed their contract with ABC for another 3 years. Even though this does not mean an automatic renewal for Once Upon A Time, it gives us hope that more upcoming seasons seem promising. This article also confirms that Kitsis and Horowitz’s creative minds and out-of-the-box thinking will be with OUAT until the end of its run (whenever that may be). We hope later rather than sooner. 🙂

Kitsis, Horowitz reup with ABC Studios: ‘Once Upon A Time’ EPs to oversee series to completion

Once Upon A Time showrunners Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz have extended their overall deal with ABC Studios.

Read more here – http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-07-09/entertainment/sns-201207091636reedbusivarietynvr1118056361-20120709_1_abc-studios-classic-disney-characters-producers

Want more Once Upon A Time? Check out the Once Upon A Time Fan Podcast at http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/


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