Tag Archives: alphabet

Once Upon a Time Alphabet Game



Hello Oncers! Are you still reeling from the last episode? Let’s do something fun and play a game called “The ABC’s of OUAT”.

How does it work? I’ll explain…

Look down at the comments and take the next letter available and choose a word, name or item in the Once Upon a Time show and add it in the comments.

See it’s easy. When we reach Z, start over, let’s see how many OUAT ABCs we can come up with.

One letter per person in the comments, please. We want to give everyone a chance to add to our OUAT Alphabet!

Please click on this graphic and Tweet about this:

Tweet: I've added a letter to the #OnceUponaTime Alphabet #Game! You should too, Dearie! http://ctt.ec/n6IkC+ RT

Thanks to Ro for this blogpost!