Tag Archives: prince charming’s mom

OUAT – Listener Ken and his connections to Storybrooke

This podcast/blog has had many surprises, but this one was very unexpected. I launched out with my crazy idea about creating a Storybrooke/Steveston Main Street map, and I got an email from Ken who not only lived in Steveston, but began helping (still does, btw) me develop the information.

He is a great guy, and I always enjoy getting an email from him. One of the latest ones had some very interesting connections to Storybrooke/Fairy Tales, etc. I asked to share, and he agreed. Thanks, Ken. You rock, sir. 🙂

Listener Ken;

Lives in Steveston/Storybrooke,
Ken’s aunt lived in the building that is Mr. Gold’s Pawnbroker shop,
Adam Young, the young actor who played young Jiminy Cricket attends our neighbohood school (Link to a newspaper about it: http://www.richmondreview.com/news/134770463.html),
I went to school with Gabrielle Rose who played Prince Charming’s mother,
A few weeks ago while Ken was walking around in Steveston, a rare waterspout formed in nearby waters … did more fairy tale characters descend into town? …lol! Here is the newspaper article about it: http://www.richmondreview.com/news/137443208.html
Recently Ken found out one of our neighbor’s owns (but leases out) the Marine Garage property,
Ken has a 12 year old golden retriever named ‘Snowy’ … long story on the name.

This is Jeff, I’ll add one more, initially, Ken told me he was walking his dog (I will assume it was Snowy), and I believe turned a corner and almost walked into Jennifer Morrison. Ken, correct my errors in the story, but that’s how I remember what you told me.

Ken is another example of how this amazing “Once Upon a Time” TV Show has a magical way of drawing amazing people to this podcast/blog. Thank you Ken so, so much for everything.