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Episode Number: 288
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My memories of what a Convention is centers around Comic Con, Wonder Con and Star Wars Celebration – lining up the night before to see what you want the next day, people everywhere, and rarely seeing the celebrities you came to see up close, unless it was through a camera lens on a panel stage.
When Colleen and I sat with Liz and Roxy at dinner months ago, they told us about about a Once Upon a Time convention by fans for fans.
They delivered.
Here is our Regal Con 2015 Review
Day 1 – Friday
We covered the event as press, and used Audioboom to Tweet short audio thoughts and pictures throughout the weekend to give our Twitter followers that couldn’t attend the feeling like they were coming along with us without having to wait for our official podcast to be released.
It was a little nerve-racking, but also exciting and fun to be the first panel on Friday and open the convention by hosting a panel about our podcast. It was my first panel hosting, ever. It was a blast, but I need to remember to bring a water bottle (for me) next time.
Huge thanks to our interviewees; Richard and Sarah Wiloski. They took photos, tweeted for us and we had a great interview with them about their cool podcast ( @SkywalkingPod )and Star Wars shout outs in Once Upon a Time. We have been on many fun adventures together, and this is one I’ll never forget. Thanks guys.
Our next interviewee was the fantastically talented, Erin Stegeman. She is the force (with the rest of her uber talented crew) behind “Once Upon a Anonymous” ( @OUATSpoof )a youtube parody of Once Upon a Time. She came in, as well as some of the cast members during the final shoot weekend for their upcoming OUAA Rock Opera. Much thanks and fist bumps to Erin for coming and chatting about her exciting project.
Here is a Tweet from a winner of one of our Regal Con Big Love packs!
The rest of our panel consisted of an intro of who Colleen and I are, how and why the podcast began and our amazing moments along the way; Cast voicemails, Our trip to Steveston, etc. Here is the audio from the panel:
Final thoughts
The next panel we attended was the Cosplay panel hosted by Brandon Hillock ( @fanboybrandon ) dressed as Hook (incredible costume, btw) and featured a co-host dressed (incredibly as well) as Jefferson. The panel included a dance routine from another cosplayer (That was wonderful. 🙂 ), discussions about cosplaying (including how the crew of OUAT assists cosplayers find elements that were used on the show), how to get started, etc.
The Wyndham Anaheim Garden Grove hotel was a great venue to hold the convetion. There were just enough rooms for events, and even had spots to sit down and collect your thoughts after meeting/getting an autograph/photo with your favorite OUAT cast member.
That was another amazing part of Regal Con, the accessibility of many of the cast members attending. It was incredible to walk though the lobby, hallway or the café in the hotel and see Lee Arenberg, Faustino Di Bauda, Beverley Elliot, Sean Maguire, Michael Coleman walking through and stopping to talk to fans. The cast members were so gracious and took some time to greet and talk a bit to the fans.
This was no Comic Con. It was better.
The Evil Regal Cocktail Party on Friday evening was an extension of that intimate interaction with the cast. This event gave the fans attending the feeling live we were celebrities at an after party you hear about in Hollywood, but we were allowed in to this party. The cast members did a great job moving throughout the crowd to give everyone an opportunity to interact with them. This was a great way to begin a great weekend.
Day 2 – Saturday
Bill Meeks and I participated in the 9:00AM “Heroes vs. Villains” panel. Lots of great information discussed about Heroes and Villains and how OUAT has treated them. Audio will be posted soon.
Then, Colleen and I met and got a photo with Lana. Amazing, and she knew about our podcast, too.
Joshua Reid Davis was a fun emcee. He interacted with the audience very well, even allowing the fans to put their questions in the question box. It was a convention for fans, by fans.
Panel with Eion Bailey, David Anders & Lee Arenberg was great. There was a running story throughout the panels about Lee Arenberg putting Faustino Di Bauda in the front seat of Pirates of the Caribbean to “see more of the action,” but he “saw more of the water,” it turns out.
Eion Bailey was asked if he thought August would be a great Author, and he responded yes and explained August would wrestle through the process, etc.
David Anders was asked if he would be interested in making an “Alias” movie, and he said he would be.
Lee Arenberg discussed how the network watches all kinds of information to track Once Upon a Time’s viewership on television, like live tweeting.
Life thought: Lee, “Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you, too”
Life thought: Eion: Real life is like OUAT Season 1, We need to wake up from a dream (of the trappings) of real life and know that we are all incredible beings.
Life thought: David, “Life is short. Do what you love.”
We met some AWESOME folks from some great blogs and podcasts, too
Doug and Jamie Marsh from @laughing_place
Bill Meeks from @GFStorybrooke
Marisa Serafini @SerafiniTV from @AfterBuzzTV
I contacted some after Regal Con, too like Joshua J and Matt from @geekgalaxycast. We have a voicemail from Joshua!
– Play the Voicemail
Lana’s panel was a lot of fun, of course!
Lana brought up the most incredible cosplayer who was The Evil Queen with the amazing blue dress from the episode, “An Apple Red as Blood”
The Cosplayer’s Twitter name is @ReiniSide and we are very fortunate to have a voicemail from her about the creation of the incredible dress from “An Apple Red as Blood” and her thoughts on Regal Con. Thanks, Reini. 🙂
– Play the Voicemail
The character of Regina inspires Lana in her own life. It makes her consider attitudes and how she handles certain things in her life.
The scene in Once Upon a Time that Lana had the most difficulty as an actress was filming the scene of ripping out her Father’s heart in the second episode of season 1. She had to go to a very dark place in her own self to understand Regina’s action to rip out her father’s heart.
Lana answered a question and discussed how protective she is in real life as a Mom, so yes Regina would be protective if Henry got married 1 day.
Lana was asked which episode of Once Upon a Time was her favorite. She enjoys the episode, “Welcome to Storybrooke”. Seeing life in Storybrooke right after the curse, etc was fun for her.
When Lana was asked about pranks on the Once Upon a Time set, Lana talked about pranks in Gold’s cabin with @robertcarlyle_ trying to make Lana laugh as she entered the room.
Lana was asked her favorite kiss on Once Upon a Time, she answered “Henry”
Tony Perez (Regina’s father on the show) is actually a poet and he wrote a poem for Regina, but Lana forgot to bring it to RC.
Lana loves deep sea fishing, camping, gardening. Outdoor activities. She also loves traveling and seeing the world.
I found someone that looks an awful lot like Ruby.
We added on the VIP dinner on Saturday night, there were no personal photos allowed, but the stories and memories will stay with me forever. We sat at Eion Bailey’s table and it was an incredible treat.
Next up was the Happily Ever After Ball
Here is Reini Side as The Evil Queen and her sister as Marion going into the Ball
#RegalCon Ball @1MichaelColeman @sean_m_maguire @QuestionAnders @leearenberg
#RegalCon Ball Pt. 2 @bexmader @TheReelBeverley @GilMcKinney
The Happily Ever After Ball was lots of fun. It was so cool to see many members of the OUAT cast dancing and having a great time with the fans that attended
Day 3 – Sunday
We attended the panel with Emilie De Ravin, Rebecca Mader and Sean Maguire.
Emilie found it a challenge to be in love with the Dark One.
Rebecca said her hips didn’t lie on the dance floor with the fans, and she sounded like Barry White this morning after the ball.
Rebecca would rather play Zelena than Charlotte from Lost.
Rebecca discusses that she is great at not breaking character, except for a scene #OnceAUponATime finale tonight.
A running theme with Rebecca was saying “hashtag blessed”. 🙂
Sean discussed that @PFischler and @bexmader have fun bts banter that some think is mean, but it’s fun.
Sean discussed the social media feedback on Zelena and Robin Hood’s baby would look like Shrek with a bow and arrow and a broomstick.
Rebecca wants to play the guitar, learn to speak Spanish, drive a stick shift car and record a song just for herself.
Emilie would like to travel outside of work travel. Own lots of land for gardens, rescue animals and Rebecca wants to live there.
Sean discussed that he was grumpy when he auditioned for RH, and was surprised when he got that part. He’s so happy he got it.
Sean said that (OUAT) drama needs obstacles, and the fans need to trust the writers. #HearHear
Rebecca’s takeaway from OUAT is the fans. She cares about the fans, and she enjoys interacting and maybe helping fans in their lives.
Sean’s takeaway is – socks. He may or may not be stealing socks. Blame Robin Hood.
Rebecca discussed stealing Zelena bras. @emiliederavin confesses she steals Zelena’s bras, too.
Sean thanks fans for telling him to not listen to Social Media haters. He doesn’t. He blocks and takes the good away from Social Media.
Next up was the panel with Faustino Di Dauda, Beverley Elliot, Michael Coleman and Gil McKinney
Gil McKinney gives a shout out to his dance crew.
Faustino gives his side of the POTC first time riding it story. Faustino thought it was more action, but it was more water.
Beverley was given names for a new night club in Storybrooke, Granny’s Panties. The Howling Moon another name.
Michael discussed how he likes interacting with fans on the show, face to face, not like theater.
Beverley loves the stories of what OUAT means to fans. The show can help people, and she loves that.
Gil enjoyed the ball last night. Gil would be open to a Granny/Eric romance. @TheReelBeverley said meet me at the Howling Moon.
Faustino favorite off camera moment – Lee’s funny character he creates. The world’s worst acting coach.
Beverley fav off camera moment – spilling an entire beer in @robertcarlyle_
Michael tells about filming the castle storming scene, everyone was tired, and @ginnygoodwin said, “We need some Air Supply” contd
cont’d Michael told how they sang “All out of love”. So fun.
Gil sang “Part of Your World”. So good.
Beverley sang an original song “I’m mad at my myself”. She is a fantastic singer!
Beverley sings with a female singing group called, August.
Michael explained that Disney has a special place in his heart. He thanks the fans for their love to his family.
Faustino is always thankful for special moments like when it began to snow during the scene with Snow in the glass coffin, or when the deer walked into a scene they were filming on location in the forest.
Gil wants to go back to #OnceAUponATime, and he did his best in the moment with the time he had on the show.
Beverley’s daughter Sally coached her for her audition for Granny. She just “knew” she would get the part.
Beverley said she could knit when she got the (Granny) role, but not really. She quickly had to learn to knit while she was on holiday.
Michael’s closing thought – Don’t be afraid to go after something you love.
Beverley’s closing thought – You will make mistakes in life. Forgive yourself and keep going forward.
Gil’s closing thought – in life, everyday, Try to do something (nice) for someone else. Live outside yourself.
Faustino’s closing thought – In life, you are enough.
Michael’s daughter’s closing thought – “You get what you get. Don’t get upset.”
I had the great privilege of joining the Greetings from Storybrooke panel ( @gfstorybrooke ) panel hosted by ( @billmeeks ) and ( @beccacanote ). We discussed dragons, Lily and gave away prizes. It was held in the huge Santa Rosa ballroom. I felt like I was in a rock band.
Press Interviews:
Big thanks (times infinity) to Chelsea for working with the celebrities (and their schedules) to offer Press Room interviews. Our readers and listeners love it!
Faustino Di Bauda and Michael Coleman
Sean Maguire
Rebecca Mader
We unfortunately did not get to attend all the panels and offerings, but the great thing about Regal Con was the diversity of the panels, add on events and even concerts. There were lots to do and see however you express your OUAT fandom.
Final Thoughts to the Regal Con Team
Roxy, Liz, Chelsea and the rest of the Regal Con team, volunteers, etc did a great job on Regal Con! Sure, there were bumps along the way (Panel participant shifting, schedule time changes, communicating of rule changes to name a few), but we were very impressed with how the issues were addressed and resolved.
Throughout the weekend, I felt the term “By the fans, for the fans” wasn’t just a catch phrase, but it was the DNA of this incredible convention from planning, preparation and execution.
One more thing to the Regal Con team. We all realize all the hard work that has gone into putting this weekend on, but know that the memories and moments you have given the fans of the magical show will stick with us forever. Thank you doesn’t seem enough to say in return, but it’s a start.
Oh, and where do we sign up to be a part of Regal Con 2016? 🙂