Tag Archives: the daily buzz

OUAT – Big Love going out to – Weatherman Most Awesome, Mitch English

So, I used to travel alot to Texas and I remember a syndicated morning news show with a very funny weather guy, Mitch English:

Note: He’s the guy on the left.

Mitch is very funny. I think I said that already. Here is a promo the made for him:

Anyway, Mitch is a Once Upon a Time fan, and has has included links to our Storybrooke Street page in his paper.li Tweets, and this week he linked to a number of our blog posts (Thanks again to the Deputy Desk for being awesome!):

Mitch, I am humbled (and incredibly stoked!) that you would link to our posts. You are are very funny, first class and kind dude. Thanks so much for being you. Myself and the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast send big love to you and wish you the best of luck to all you do!

Now, readers of this post, please make yourself aware of the Daily Buzz News show (http://dailybuzznation.com/) and please follow Mitch English (@mitchenglish) and let him know the @ouatpodcast sent ya!

The Daily Buzz on Wikipedia

Wow, this has already been an incredible day, and I haven’t even had breakfast yet.

Just added: Follow @MitchsWeather to get – wait for it – Mitch’s Weather.

Oh, one more thing. This Daily Buzz blooper video I must have watched a million times (The were thinking about forcing me into Daily Buzz video anonymous, anyways):