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First Thoughts
Prerec Intro:
Episode Name: Rocky Road
Episode Number: 245
Show notes can be found at:
Grumpy’s van finally got towed into the Marine Garage. I wonder if Brad Tillman picked it up?
Roland loves ice cream, there’s one right down Main Street where that strange lady works. Uh oh.
“Regina let me…” Uh oh, again
Rocky Road is Roland’s favorite, and mine too.
There is no problem that can’t be solved with a bit of ice cream.
Uh oh, Snow Queen special sprinkles. She’s a female Norman Bates at the Bates Hotel
Seeing a happy family, like your in here, really warms my heart.
Elsa can’t remember how she got in the Urn, and Rumpel “doesn’t know” how either.
Belle use the dagger. Storybrooke Lie Detector test. Was that the real dagger?
Kristoff is funny.
“You’re a softie” Ice Cream humor
Prince Hanz and the Army
French Press coffee?
Fireside chat. Rupert, the Court Jester.
Meeting Agenda. Even in Storybrooke, they can’t stick to a meeting agenda.
That sound when Marion fainted sort of reminded me of when Elsa and Emma and Charming and Hook fell to the ground in White Out.
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Big Love
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