From the OUAT Fan Podcast Deputy Desk:
In the beginning of episode 7:15am. Emma is seen eating a bowl of cereal in the kitchen as Mary is getting ready to meet David at Granny’s.
Emma was specifically eating ‘Froot Loops’; she was eating them the morning after when she was sitting at the table in Mary’s apartment at 7:45.
In Episode of The Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree. Sitting in the diner with Mary, she again was eating Froot Loops.
Is this something out of Emma’s childhood past?
Tell us what you think in the comments below.
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Emma has a sweet tooth and likes Fruit Loops 🙂
I think it might be something that she likes, like the cinnamon her in hot cocoa. It can be something from her childhood.
It’s funny, whenever I order my coffee now from Starbucks, I sneak in some cinnamon on top. And that’s all because of Once Upon a Time 🙂
Ha, ha I like fruitloops. It could be something from her past. Everyone has thoughts times when they just love something when they were younger but just can’t get enough. Also it could just be something she enjoys. I am gonna keep my out for the next few episodes and see if she eats them again. I love Emma she is the best. I probably won’t be watching the show if she wasn’t in it. I love you Emma and be careful with Reginia.
Could be hereditary?……. Mary Margret puts cinnamon in her cocoa, Emma puts cinnamon in hers and Henry likes it in his……”?” But, the Fruit Loops? Isn’t it like a “mom” to tell you “Don’t eat those!…. those are bad for you! too much sugar!… my response was always: “Well who bought them then?”, mom; “YOUR FATHER!” lol, so maybe the Fruit Loops are Davids fault……. genetically! Ha!
But then again, maybe the Fruit Loops ARE MM’s!, Don’t know…. have to watch for that now…… great , one more thing to add to the list. lol!
I see how they like make in to fairy tales. Like Hensel and Grettle and Snow White. I apologize for my spelling mis takes. I think once Emma gets into the Middle Ages they should do like Cinderella theme or something and make Emma Cinderella . You know what I mean ? Since like Mary is Snow White we could have someone for Emma too. Just an idea. God bless !
That’s a great thought “Liz”, but, and I hope this makes you smile…, Emma IS set up in FairyTale Land if they ever return!! Emma, or “Princess Emma” is the sole heir to a massive kingdom and all of it’s riches……… as well as “Prince Henry”!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool! huh?…. 😉
Oh yeah I forgot haha. I was tellling my little sister the idea and she said that Emma was like the messanger or something like that. Thank you !