Our Burning Questions from Sympathy For The De Vil

After watching the latest “Once Upon a Time” episode, here are our Burning Questions from Sympathy for the De Vil.


1. How did Madeline (Cruella De Vil’s Mother) get her magical power over animals? Was Rumpelstiltskin involved?


2. What is Madeline’s backstory?


3. Why did Madeline allow Cruella to poison 3 of her husbands? If she exhibited so much control over Cruella (Locking her up), why was it allowed (More than once, or not at all)? Did Madeline have something to gain by their deaths? Money, perhaps?


What other burning questions did you have after watching the episode?

Was this the darkest episode of “Once Upon a Time” you’ve ever seen?

Leave your comments below.


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One thought on “Our Burning Questions from Sympathy For The De Vil

  1. obisgirl

    Why did Madeline allow Cruella to poison 3 of her husbands? If she exhibited so much control over Cruella (Locking her up), why was it allowed (More than once, or not at all)? Did Madeline have something to gain by their deaths? Money, perhaps?

    Good questions! I feel like, the normal answer would be for money. But also, Cruella was a little girl and Madeline wanted to protect her husbands, so she looked the other way, I guess. But for sure after husband number three, Cruella got locked up.

    I feel like there was backstory even in Cruella’s mother that we were missing. But we’ll likely never hear about it.


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