Tag Archives: howling for you

OUAT – Songs used in Once Upon a Time

Besides Mark Isham’s fantastic Once Upon a Time score:

some other songs have been used in the show, like;

During Emma’s Bail Bond “chase” in the OUAT Pilot we hear The Black Keys “Howling For You”

Howlin’ For You by The Black Keys on Grooveshark

During Storybrooke’s awakening sequence at the beginning of “The Thing You Love The Most,” we hear Cat Steven’s “Don’t Be Shy”

Don’t Be Shy by Cat Stevens on Grooveshark

During Mary Margaret’s blind date with Dr. Whale in “Snow Falls” we hear “Red River Valley” a Country and Western classic that has been recorded a gazillion times (It is also played as ambient music in Disney Frontierland areas, and it was in (one of my all time fav Western movies) Tombstone)). I couldn’t find the exact version used in the episode, so I just picked one.

Red River Valley by Wilf Carter/Slim Whitman on Grooveshark

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