Tag Archives: Keep someone from dying

Once Upon a Time “Good Form” episode and Magical Water on Neverland

In the “Good Form” episode of “Once Upon a Time” there were many connections to Star Wars, Lost and other stories.

We learn that on the magical island of Neverland, there is a deadly plant, known as Dream Shade, and if a person comes in contact with it, or its sap, they will slowly die. Hook acquired some of it to put on his Hook to try and kill Rumpel in Season 2 (You will recall that the double-sided candle was used to remove the deadly affects of the Dream Shade from Rumpel and kill Cora), but now we learn more about this plant in “Good Form”.

A side note, Pan mentions to Hook, after his brother Liam scratched himself with the plant to prove that he trusted the King’s order of their quest for this magical plant that could heal all ills. Liam began to quickly fall under the effects of the poison, and Killian remembered earlier that Pan told them that the plant they were seeking was deadly. Killian begged Pan for help to save his brother’s life and Pan told Killian, “There is a way to stop him (Liam, his brother) from dying”.

killian and liam with Pan on Neverland Once Upon a Time "Good Form"

That phrase was a shout out to the Star Wars trilogy and a point The Emperor used Anakin’s fear of the ones around him dying to lure him into the Dark Side.

” Palpatine … tells Anakin Skywalker that Plagueis was killed by his apprentice in his sleep and was obsessed with finding the key to immortality…” Source

Back to Killian and Pan. Pan revealed a spring with water that is “rich with the power of Neverland”.

Peter Pan and the Magical Water

Magical Water is found in many stories, but notably in Lost. The Protector of the Island is transferred in a religiousy, communionish ceremony in which the previous Protector fills a cup with water and hands it to the new Protector to drink.

cup ritual lost the end

Pan also mentioned that the magical water also keeps all on Neverland so young. The Fountain of Youth is another part of many stories, including Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

On Neverland, the Magical Water from the spring will heal and revive (in this case) those who have been infected with the Dream Shade poison, but Magic (including the spring of water) always comes with a price…

The Magical Water revives Liam on Neverland

Before we get to the Price, I wanted to mention a variation of the Magical, Healing Water and add a Cup that infuses the water in it with Healing power. In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Father and Son Jones search for the Cup of Christ which, we are told has the power to give someone eternal life. Toward the end of the film, Papa Jones is shot, thus pushing Indy to go through the traps, find the correct cup and return with healing water to save his dying father.


Now, back to the price of Magic on Neverland. The price is that if you leave the island, you will pay the penalty. We have seen some penalties paid by using Magic on Once Upon a Time, but this situation involved Liam’s death once their Pegasus-sailed flying boat touched the water away from Neverland. Lost had sort of similar “rules” of not leaving the island, as well. Those on the “Lost” island could leave, but their lives would go to ruin and they would be lured back. This also reminded me of the discussion that Pan had with Neal when Neal declared that he got off the island (without Pan’s permission), to which Pan replied “Look where you are now”. Checkmate by Pan, the Master manipulator.

Pand and Neal on Neverland

That’s all for now. What do you think? Anything I missed? What other connections to the water do you know of?

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