Tag Archives: little mermaid

Tiny – Further Discussions and the Changes to the Podcast are (somewhat) Discussed

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Note: Our forum is down.

We discuss further topics from “Tiny,” then I address (in an abbreviated way) why the changes were made to the podcast. Also giving a shoutout to @davejackson, too.

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Extra Audio – Stereo Ride Along Audio of Little Mermaid: Ariel’s Undersea Adventure

So, because Evil Queen Regina mentioned “a mermaid problem” to Rumpelstiltskin, I decided to give my new stereo digital recorder a try on the Little Mermaid ride in Disney’s California Adventure and let you “ride along with us”. Enjoy!

Note: Colleen does sing during the ride, but Jeff doesn’t. 🙂

VERY IMPORTANT: We are trying to make the show better, please take a moment and complete our Survey about show length, number of voicemails played, etc. Thank you. Survey Link Here

OUAT – Lost Whiskey and the Little Mermaid clues spotted?

Lost fans rejoiced seeing this prized Whiskey in Mary Margaret Blanchard’s home: (Note: Click on the picture to get a larger view)

but did you notice the shell on the glasses Emma used to serve the drinks?

A coinkeedink? What about the boat hung in the rafters in Mr. Gold’s shop?

I think we are seeing hints to the Little Mermaid.

Also, notice the bird cages in the background. What do those mean? What else do you see?