Tag Archives: windmill

OUAT – Mr. Gold Moved the Windmill to “hypnotize” David Nolan

Mr. Gold’s shop from “That Still Small Voice”

See the Windmill

better view with Mr. Gold leaving

In The Shepherd, The Unicorn mobile took the Windmill’s place, and the Windmill was moved to where the candles were previously, so…

David could see it on his way out.

Perfect plan, Mr. Gold. I wonder what other things will be moved as the series continues?

OUAT – Why didn’t the Mobile jog David’s memory in Mr. Gold’s shop?

We see David Nolan touch and admire the Unicorn mobile, but it doesn’t jog his memory of his Fairy Tale life?

however, we see that the windmill does jog his memory. Why?

We discuss a possible reason why in the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast Episode 6 “The Shepherd” here: http://new.roneyzone.com/audio/podcasts/onceuponatimepodcast/006-ouat-fan-podcast-the-shepherd/