Tag Archives: worthington’s haberdashery

Once Upon a Time Pet Shelter Filming Location little known facts and Secrets

Take a look at the picture of the shop next to Granny’s Diner in Storybrooke. It was originally called “Worthington’s Haberdashery (Suits Hats Ties),” but only for a brief time.


This location suddenly changed to the Pet Shelter for the David and Mary Margaret storyline in Season 1.


Storybrooke Pet Shelter Interior 2rev

When the shop space wasn’t used for filming it was used by the cast and crew to stay warm during the cold winters of Vancouver, B.C. It also was used for temporary storage. For example, when we visited Steveston in 2012, I saw the Game of Thorns door from “The Crocodile” inside the Pet Shelter location on the floor.

game of thorns door

Our bluebirds in Steveston have chirped that the Pet Shelter location did revert back to it’s original “Worthington’s Haberdashery (Suits Hats Ties)” signage and window late in Season 2.

When we return to Storybrooke later on in Season 3, keep an eye out for what that location stays or becomes.