Monthly Archives: May 2012

Fairy Tale Corner – Snow White

Let’s all welcome Aleara to the audio family here at the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast! We are branching out, and this is one of the ways. We will be setting up the Fairy Tale Corner where Aleara will be reading many classic fairy tales.

The first is Snow White. Enjoy. Note: These version may be different than we remember them (Disney version, for example), so be aware.

024 FAM OUAT Part A (Main Show) Katie Sackhoff OUAT News, Don J fan, Ima Email and more.

Thank you all who joined us, listened and chatted it up in our new Ustream chatroom! We appreciate all of you!

We read and discuss awesome emails from our awesome listeners, and had a little fun, too. 🙂

If you are a comedy writer, fan fic or fan audio writer and understand the OUAT world, drop me a line, we will have lots of (Credit only) writing opportunities coming up: put Writing in the subject line

Part B (After Party) is included as a downloadable link. There was no structure, but if you’d like to downland and listen to the discussion about Snow White and the Huntsman, Meetup general itinerary, Disneyland, Walt Disney World and other topics. The link to download is HERE

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OUAT – Lana Parrilla talks her Evil Queen role

“I never thought I would get to play a Disney iconic character and never saw myself playing a princess,” admits Lana Parrilla about her role on ABC’s “Once Upon a Time.” “Playing the Evil Queen has been a dream gig!”

“Once Upon a Time” tells the story of two parallel worlds — a mythical fairytale land and modern day small-town America. The residents of Storybrooke, Maine may or may not know of their alter-ago identities in the Enchanted Forest. They are trapped by the Evil Queen’s curse which sprang from her all-consuming hatred of Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin).

Parrilla will be on the Emmy ballot this year in the Best Drama Supporting Actress race, the only actress from the show to be submitted in that category. She plays the dual roles of Regina Mills (mayor of Storybrooke) and the Evil Queen, who literally bursts onto the scene in the show’s first episode to interrupt the fairytale wedding of Snow White and Prince Charming (Josh Dallas).

Read more of the article: HERE

OUAT – OUAT Name top-ranking with Baby names

Shakespeare once asked what’s in a name, and, according the 2011 list of top baby names, the answer is a splash of pop culture, a dash of reality television, and just a hint of conservatism.

The good news is neither “Snooki” nor “The Situation” made the list for popular names, but “Mason,” which leaped to the first-place name in the state of Maine and second nationally, is also the name of Kourtney Kardashian’s firstborn son — and some argue that the reality star played a role in upping the name’s popularity.

Read more of the article: Here

Want more Once Upon a Time goodness? Check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast

023 FAM OUAT Part B More Awesome emails, Adoption Part 2, Don Juanito swips again.

Thank you all who joined us, listened and chatted it up in our new Ustream chatroom! We appreciate all of you!

We read and discuss awesome emails from our awesome listeners, and had a little fun, too. 🙂

If you are a comedy writer, fan fic or fan audio writer and understand the OUAT world, drop me a line, we will have lots of (Credit only) writing opportunities coming up: put Writing in the subject line

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