OUAT – Storybrooke Daily Mirror Screencap Analyzed Pt. 1

Mary Margaret Blanchard was reading the Storybrooke Daily Mirror in the Diner (Note: Click on the photo for a larger version):

Fun things to notice;

Storybrooke Daily Mirror – Independent and Locally Owned (I wonder what kind of editor Mr. Gold is)
Story – Remnants of Seventeenth Century Colonial Settlement Uncovered at Harestock Bridge. (Hinting to what we discovered watching after the “That Still Small Voice” episode)
Cost of the Paper 75 cents – To align with my crazy theory that Storybrooke was frozen in 1983 (28 years from 2011), I did some checking but couldn’t find proof that a daily paper cost that much (in general), but nothing concrete. Will file this under “possibly”.
John Doe story – I enlarged and sharpened it. I could make it out a bit, but not completely. Mary Margaret Blanchard was quoted in the story, so our little hospital volunteer is also a newspaper “star”. Take a look for yourself:

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2 thoughts on “OUAT – Storybrooke Daily Mirror Screencap Analyzed Pt. 1

  1. DAVe

    That’s about what a small town like mine pays for their paper.

    p.s. I see you have a check box to say I am not a spammer but I really am. Ha! Ha! Winning.

  2. Manny

    Hey Oncers!
    Just here to add some back bone to Jeff’s (not so crazy theory). Here’s what we KNOW! Everyone (except Emma) crosses over at the SAME TIME! – That time being when the “Dark Curse” hits. Emma crosses over via the Enchanted Wardrobe just minutes after her birth AND before the Curse hits, escaping to our world and TIME untouched by the Curse. At that very moment “Storybrooke” comes into existance – the same day “Emma” is born, making Emma and Storybrooke exactly the same age, (in our time).
    Rumple states that Emma would return on her 28th birhtday and the final battle would begin.
    OK, fine…. but how do we know it’s 1983 ??
    In the Pilot they kept showing us Emma’s Massacheusett’s license plate (836 M4X) Well, WTH does that mean? They showed us three times and I didn’t get it.
    They were showing us the TAGS on the plate….not the plate itself “DEC 2011” That puts her and all of Storybrooke into our TIME.
    The airing of the Pilot was on Sunday Oct 23,2011 where we find Emma celebrating her 28th birthday…… Count backwards 28 years to the day and both Emma and Storybrooke came into existance October 23,1983… and Storybrooke has been frozen in time and in age until Emma restarted it on the 2nd night she was there…Tuesday October 25, 2011. If the Curse had not included age Mary Margret and David Nolan would be 28 years older, somewhere in their late 40’s or early 50’s, but they’re not …. they’re the same age as when they crossed over……………….. 28 years ago.


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