Tag Archives: John Doe

OUAT – Storybrooke Daily Mirror Screencap Analyzed Pt. 1

Mary Margaret Blanchard was reading the Storybrooke Daily Mirror in the Diner (Note: Click on the photo for a larger version):

Fun things to notice;

Storybrooke Daily Mirror – Independent and Locally Owned (I wonder what kind of editor Mr. Gold is)
Story – Remnants of Seventeenth Century Colonial Settlement Uncovered at Harestock Bridge. (Hinting to what we discovered watching after the “That Still Small Voice” episode)
Cost of the Paper 75 cents – To align with my crazy theory that Storybrooke was frozen in 1983 (28 years from 2011), I did some checking but couldn’t find proof that a daily paper cost that much (in general), but nothing concrete. Will file this under “possibly”.
John Doe story – I enlarged and sharpened it. I could make it out a bit, but not completely. Mary Margaret Blanchard was quoted in the story, so our little hospital volunteer is also a newspaper “star”. Take a look for yourself:

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