Tag Archives: storybrooke daily mirror

OUAT – Storybrooke Daily Mirror Screencap Analysis Pt. 2

The top header of the newspaper:

Comet Marley Makes Debut Appearance – Is it referring to Bob Marley that was played in Lost episode Exodus Part 2? Is the comet another heavenly announcement that something incredible is happening in Storybrooke? Is it referring to Jacob Marley in the Christmas Carol story? Is it just tying into Mary Margaret’s Lesson plan on the chalkboard? See below:

Destinations – Interesting title, don’t you think? It looks to be a church of some kind.

Lyme Disease – A New Understanding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyme_disease

Capsaicin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsaicin According to Wikipedia, “It is an irritant for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact.” and “The seeds of Capsicum plants are predominantly dispersed by birds.”

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OUAT – Storybrooke Daily Mirror Screencap Analyzed Pt. 1

Mary Margaret Blanchard was reading the Storybrooke Daily Mirror in the Diner (Note: Click on the photo for a larger version):

Fun things to notice;

Storybrooke Daily Mirror – Independent and Locally Owned (I wonder what kind of editor Mr. Gold is)
Story – Remnants of Seventeenth Century Colonial Settlement Uncovered at Harestock Bridge. (Hinting to what we discovered watching after the “That Still Small Voice” episode)
Cost of the Paper 75 cents – To align with my crazy theory that Storybrooke was frozen in 1983 (28 years from 2011), I did some checking but couldn’t find proof that a daily paper cost that much (in general), but nothing concrete. Will file this under “possibly”.
John Doe story – I enlarged and sharpened it. I could make it out a bit, but not completely. Mary Margaret Blanchard was quoted in the story, so our little hospital volunteer is also a newspaper “star”. Take a look for yourself:

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