Tag Archives: alice in wonderland

OUAT – Jefferson’s Question “What’s A Story”?

The Mad Hatter, he was simply mad from trying to make that one Hat that would help him go home back to his daughter Grace for the last 28 years stuck in that house, alone.

Surely, solitude would make you go, well mad. But Jefferson had a reason, he only wants to go back to Grace. He is late for tea.

  When he sat Emma down to make his Hat because he was convinced that Emma has magic, they had a conversation that made Emma think. eventually she ‘woke up’, and looked at Henry’s book.

Here is the conversation they had.

Emma: “The hats, the tea, your psychotic behavior. You think you’re the Mad Hatter.”

Jefferson: “My name is Jefferson”

Emma : “Okay, you clearly globbed onto my kid Henry thing. There just stories; The Mad Hatter is in Alice in wonderland a book, a book I actually read. “

Jefferson: “Stories, stories what’s a story? When you were in high school did you learn about the Civil War?”

Emma: “Yeah, of course. “

Jefferson: “How? Did you read about it, per chance in a book? How is that any less real than any other book? “

Emma: “History books are based on history.”

Jefferson: “…and storybooks are based on what? Imagination? Where does that come from? It has to come from somewhere.

You know what the issue is with this world, everyone wants some magical solution for their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic. “

Emma : “Here’s the thing, Jefferson this is it. This is the real world”

Jefferson: “The real world. How arrogant are you to think that yours is the only one?  There are infinite more we have to open your mind they touch one another, pressing up in a long line of lands. Each Just as real like the last, each having their own rules. Some have magic, some don’t and some need magic. Like this one. And that’s where you come in. “

Storybooks are based on what? Imagination? Where does that come from? It has to come from somewhere.

That’s a good question. Where do you think they come from?

Also take a look at where did Jefferson go Blog post. We wonder where he went too.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Want more Once Upon A Time?  Check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com

OUAT – Previous Alice in Wonderland Connections

Once Upon A Time is a show that makes you think. Sometimes things are referenced clearly for a future episode and sometimes you have to look closely.

Here are some things we’ve noticed from previous episodes that could have alluded to an Alice in Wonderland episode.

Episode 1 – Pilot Episode

As Emma is about to leave Storybrooke, she crashes her car and we see the book flip to a page with a catterpillar and Alice.

Go back to previous blog post about this – http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/ouat-will-we-be-meeting-alice-in-wonderland-in-storybrooke/

Episode 11 – Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

While Sydney and Emma are having a conversation at Granny’s, we see a blond waitress pass by.

Go back to a previous blog post about this – http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/ouat-is-this-an-early-glimpse-of-alice-goldilocks-or-just-waitress-4/

Episode 12  – Skin Deep

When Mary Margaret, Ashley and Ruby have a girls night out, we find out that the bar they were in is called The Rabbit Hole.

Go back to a previous blog post about this – http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/ouat-we-know-the-name-of-the-bar-that-sean-proposed-to-ashley/

Episode 14 – Dreamy

When Leroy and Mary Margaret were selling candles, one of their potential customers opened his front door munching on a carrot. Could he be the White Rabbit?

All the speculation has now been proven – an episode Hat Trick is going to finally air on March 25, 2012. Here is our previous blog post with a read worthy article with a first look at Hat Trick (caution – spoilers) – http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/ouat-first-look-hat-trick/

Share with us your thoughts in the comments below.

Want more Once Upon a Time? Check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com






OUAT – Is this an early glimpse of Alice? Goldilocks? or just Waitress #4?

In Granny’s diner, we see a blonde waitress walk by:

Is it the first glimpse of Goldilocks (as OUAT Fan Podcast listener David B. asked)? Or maybe Alice (not in Wonderland at the present time)? Sure, she could be also be Waitress #4. I’m not taking anything away from the actress that would play Waitress #4. We think you did a great job. You rock.

However, there could be a larger role waiting for her concerning porridge, or a rabbit that’s late for an important date?

More importantly – What do you think?

Get more Once Upon a Time fun on the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com