Tag Archives: garden gnome

Ask Regina’s Garden Gnome – The stoned question

“Dear Mr.Gnome,

What’s it like to be in a constant state of being “stoned?”…..Harrrrhrrrr!” Manny

Gnome– Oh, I see what you did there – Stoned, I get it. Now, I would never recommend to any person to take any type of illegal substances, but being in Storybrooke might make you feel like you had. I mean;

The clock in the clock tower stopped for 28 years. 28 years, and the company that made the clock said it was past the Warranty period, and they wouldn’t fix it. That’s freaky enough, but then

Wolves with one red eye and one black eye walking around,

Mr. Gold telling you the Wolf you saw walk by didn’t exist,

Storybrooke is a wacky place, but then is does have a Thursday every week now. 🙂

Got a question for Regina’s Garden Gnome? Email it to: gnome [at] onceuponatimepodcast [dot] com

Ask Regina’s Garden Gnome – Peeping Gnome

“Mr. Gnome, can you see into Regina’s windows and see what she is doing? If so what is she doing?” Maid Maleen

Gnome– Not really. That Evil Queen knew what she was doing. She sat me where I can see the street fine (Especially on Thursdays, thank goodness), but I can’t see in Regina’s windows. I do hear lots of crazy things going on in there, but can’t see anything.

Hey, maybe I can get Henry to set up a mirror pointing back toward the house… No way, that’s creepy. Oh well, I’ll just wait til Thursday. Sigh 🙂

Got a question for Regina’s Garden Gnome? Email it to: gnome [at] onceuponatimepodcast [dot] com

Ask Regina’s Garden Gnome – Do you talk?

“Mr. Regina’s Zesty Gnome, Do you talk?” Bart C. from Mentone, CA

Gnome– Just between us – Yes, but if Regina ever hears me, I’ll become a sandbox in her front yard and she’ll buy a cat. Just sayin’ Btw, enough with the middle name, okay?

Have a question for Regina’s Garden Gnome? Email gnome [at] onceuponatimepodcast [dot] com, or you could leave a comment/reply below :looking at Ruby:. 🙂