Tag Archives: smoke

What do the different Smoke Colors in OUAT mean?

We have seen many instances of smoke in Once Upon a Time, but what do the different Smoke Colors in OUAT mean?

Smoke Colors in OUAT

Purple Smoke (Used to send people to Storybrooke);

In the Pilot:

and in True North:

a bit of a snag – Purple also means a clothing change (The Price of Gold)


to compare – Purple still means clothing change Cora changed Regina’s clothes into a beautiful dress in (Mother 4X21))


Green smoke (Means the Curse you were trying to conjour failed):

Purple smoke with tinges of Green in it (Dark Curse achieved):

same coloring when the Dark Curse rolls in:

Blue Smoke (Genie smoke):

I don’t think we’ve seen all the colors of smoke yet, but that’s all I’ve caught so far.

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