When Henry’s book disappeared, it was later revealed that August Booth had it. In “What Happened to Frederick”, we see that August was supposedly adding pages and binding Henry’s book.
What caught our eye, was not only him binding the book but the solutions(water) he used.
Soaking the pages in a basin of mystery water/solution (listen to Colleen’s awesome theory of where the water came from in the most recent podcast) http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/006-ouat-first-thoughts-what-happened-to-frederick/
More mysterious bottles filled with solutions.
In one previous post about August Booth (http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/ouat-insteresting-tidbits-about-mr-august-wayne-booth/#comments), there was a very cool and informative comment about what these bottles could be from a user named “whatif”
What do you think?
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