Tag Archives: tv and film

OUAT – We are New and Noteworthy on Itunes. Thanks.

I am speechless.

When I started creating audio and podcast in the mid 2000’s, I never thought I would reach this level. I have learned by watching others, listening to what worked for them and trying just about everything under the sun. I have started many podcasts that no one (or very few people) cared about would be very true, but the days leading up to starting this podcast was different. I slowly stepped back into the podcasting by posting Once Upon a Time blog posts, and when they begin to get traffic like a magnet, I waited to see how long the show would last. I said, “Okay if it makes it past 3, I will consider it”. It did, and then I asked the most important decision of my life – I asked my wife to co-host. She is my best friend, my wife and the best co-host anyone could have. She said yes and I furiously put together all the steps I had learned from Dave Jackson (http://schoolofpodcasting.com/), Cliff Ravenscraft (http://podcastanswerman.com/), and others along the way. Things just began to fall into place. We got our first email feedback, our first voicemail feedback, the likes began to grow on our FB fan page, the traffic to the website went through the roof and now this incredibly humbling achievement. This means alot to me. I want to say a few things;

Thank you, and
We are just getting started. We will do our best to bring you the best ONce Upon a Time Fan podcast and blog we can do, and
We appreciate each and every one of you. The listeners, subscribers, rate and reviewers, FB and Twitter friends, feedbackers, we can not do this without you all and any success we share with you all. Thanks so much again. We are so humbled and so excited to move forward with all of you.