Tag Archives: twitter stream

OUAT – One Upon a Time Cast and Crew Twitter Accounts – Please follow and support them.

One of the best ways to show support and communicate with the cast of Once Upon a Time is via Twitter;

Note: We do our best to find correct Twitter accounts, but some may not be. Be aware. Also, this list will expand as we get more information.

Ginnifer Goodwin (Mary Margaret Blanchard/Snow White) http://twitter.com/@ginnygoodwin
Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan) http://twitter.com/@jenmorrisonlive
Lana Parrilla (Mayor Regina Mills/The Evil Queen) http://twitter.com/@lanaparrilla
Just found!! Follow The Evil Queen’s character! http://twitter.com/@TheEvilQueen108
Josh Dallas (John Doe/Prince Charming) http://twitter.com/@joshdallas
Jared Gilmore (Henry Mills)
Raphael Sbarge (Dr. Archie Hopper/Jiminy Cricket) http://twitter.com/@RaphaelSbarge
Jamie Dornan (Sheriff Graham) http://twitter.com/@JamieDornan1
Robert Carlyle
Meghan Ory – Not yet. Sigh.
Beverley Elliott
Catherine Lough Haggquist (Fairy Godmother)
Lee Arenberg (Grumpy) http://twitter.com/@leearenberg

Website Twitter accounts:
Once Upon a Time Website http://twitter.com/@OnceStorybrooke
OUAT Italy http://twitter.com/@OnceUponATimeIT

ABC, Crew, etc Twitter accounts:
Official ABC OUAT Twitter account http://twitter.com/@OnceABC
ABC Publicity http://twitter.com/@ABC_Publicity
Adam Horowitz http://twitter.com/@AdamHorowitzLA