Welcome to our first episode of our brand new Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.
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Note: the version above has been edited, and the pilot episode recap has been removed.
If you would like to download the original version, here is the link: http://media.roneyzone.com/onceuponatimepodcast/ouatep1final2.mp3
The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.
The initial podcast deals with the pilot OUAT episode.
Here is a link to my initial Connections list blog post, as well as links to on location photos: http://new.roneyzone.com/blogs/jeffsdnablog/lost-and-disneyonce-upon-a-time-connections-pilot/
I am including a link to what appears to be a dragon flying ahead of the black smoke heralding the Evil Queen approaching to take Snow White’s child. What do you think it is? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r4JcQFbBbA
There are a number of ways to get ahold of us and stay connected;
Website: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com
Email: oncepodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @ouatpodcast
Thanks for listening. Jeff and Colleen.
I want to put this into my podcaster app. What is the xml/rss address for this podcast. I love this show and I have been looking for a good podcast for it, so thanks for doing this!
Thanks for the comment. Here is the orig RSS feed – http://new.roneyzone.com/category/audio/podcasts/onceuponatimepodcast/feed/
Henry Gale is the name of Dorthy’s uncle in the Wizard of Oz because Dorthy’s name is Dorthy Gale not Professor Marvel who is also the Wizard in Oz.
Yes, you are correct. Oops. 🙂
Should have checked this before I sent in my feedback saying the same thing. Next time.
In Emma’s sleek and chrome kitchen…there is a red apple cookie jar. Completely out of place in that kitchen, though it would work in mine.
Some listner input emailed in on this episode: “Hello, I just found your podcast and am into only the first episode of you show. What I’ve heard so far, I love! I noticed one error in regards to Henry Gale in Lost. You may have corrected this in newer episodes and I haven’t gotten that far yet, so disregard this if that’s the case.
Henry Gale refers, of course to Ben Linus’s balloonist pseudonym, and there’s also a Henry Gale, as you said, in the Wizard of Oz. But in Oz, Henry Gale is Dorothy’s uncle. The wizard’s original name in the novels is Oscar Diggs. In the movie, he’s Professor Marvel. Oz was the
balloonist, but he wasn’t Henry Gale. Lost just onflated Uncle Henry and the wizard. I’m a big fan of Wizard of Oz and Lost, and I really like Once Upon a Time. Thanks for the great podcast! I’ll be sure to keep listening.
Travis in Indiana
@travpol on Twitter” Thanks Travis. You are right. Oops.
Butterflies can symbolize the presence of the spirit of a deceased loved one, as in the ‘Lara Croft: Tomb Rader’ movie. Her father’s spirit follows her around as a flock of butterflies. (If I’m remembering correctly)