Tag Archives: rumpelstiltskin

How will Gold’s White Heart affect him in OUAT Season 5?

How will Gold’s White Heart affect him in OUAT Season 5?

Gold’s White Heart

We have seen many different hearts with many different colors, but it is always red.


The heart that the Apprentice put back into Gold’s body was white.

Pure white.

This is a type of heart we’ve never seen before.

How will Gold’s White Heart affect him in OUAT Season 5?

As the shade of red was swallowed up by the Darkness, so was his ability to love.

“In a manner of speaking, yes. I will lose any ability to love, and that goodness you once saw inside of me… well, that’ll be gone forever…” Mr. Gold – Sympathy for the De Vil

Will the White Heart be the “do over” or “second chance” that Rumpel needs to make things right?


This time it wasn’t a curse to turn back time, it was that cruel justice of a life of bad choices that took the last bit of goodness in which he could grasp love. It is gone.

It reminds me a bit of when Gold asked Charming for dating advice. A man with unlimited power, but not having the wherewithal to build a relationship based on honesty.

In Season 5, Gold seems to be sailing into uncharted waters – what will it mean for him to love without the pull of Darkness to impede him?



Will Belle teach him to love? To care? To be the man she knew he could always be?

Will Gold be emotionless? A shell of a man, empty – waiting to be filled up with either good or bad choices.

Will Gold be rewarded by good choices to become more alive and complete to live a new life?

I’m reminded by the theme in early OUAT Seasons that the inhabitants of Storybrooke were “alive” but asleep. Going through the motions of daily life, but unable to be in true love or change or help others, until Emma showed up.

Unfortunately, Emma can no longer help Gold. Can Regina?

Is it only Merlin that can restore true life to Mr. Gold? I think it may be Emma and Merlin working together. Unfortunately, Emma has to be set free from the bonds of Darkness first.


One of my hopes is that Gold’s new heart is devoid of allowing him to do anymore evil (Alot like Snow and Charming performed the spell for Emma, by the way). This is a nice thought, but that would not work in a dramatic TV show. Drama is based in struggle of good vs evil.

Thanks to Brad Pogras in the creation of this blog post.

That’s what I think, what do you think? Leave your comments below.

Can Rumpelstiltskin in Once Upon a Time be Redeemed?


Rumpelstiltskin has had a very winding road of character arcs. He has: Taken unlimited (but limiting to him) power and immortality from the Dark One dagger from Zoso, been given limited visions of the future from a seer, “died” and been revived at least once, gave up and found his son again, found love with Belle, but always struggles with choosing power over things that would bring his true, “happy ending”.

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Rumbelles and Rumpel fans have struggled to like Rumpel/Mr. Gold because of his wrong choices. My wife yells at the TV (like many of you, I think) when Rumpel lies, manipulates and makes wrong choices these days.


With the release of “The Author” Rumpelstiltskin may have his chance to be redeemed, but can Rumpelstiltskin in Once Upon a Time be Redeemed?


Many say no, but I say maybe.

The answer to me, lies (pardon the pun) with the Author.

I believe at some point the Author will have a “Come to Reality” conversation with Rumpelstiltskin, and instead of writing new “happy endings” for Rumpel, the Author will tell him the pieces of his happy endings were there all along – he just needed to make the right choices.

As powerful and as manipulative as Rumpel is, it can’t overcome Rumpel’s bad choices.

At the end of the day, it may not be the Author controlling the story of our characters, the destiny or “happy endings” of our OUAT characters will be contingent upon their choices. Did they treat people well? Did they choose the important thing for all time or the thing that will bring short term, instant happiness?

Perhaps the Author will get his happy ending by highlighting the opportunities all around the OUAT characters to get theirs by good choices?

What do you think? Can Rumpelstiltskin be Redeemed?


If you love Once Upon a Time, we think you will love the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast (http://onceuponatimepodcast.com). Check it out and let us know you heard about us here.

Storybrooke for Sale? Sad times for Steveston.

Is Storybrooke for sale? From the looks of things in the Vancouver seaside village, Steveston B.C., it could use some of Rumpelstiltskin’s magic.


If we turn back the clock, when “Once Upon a Time” TV show first brought it’s cameras, lights and stars, Sandi Swanigan (who runs the City of Richmond’s department in charge of coordinating with the film industry) said, “It’d be really exciting if, in three years, one of the things Steveston is known for – beyond its shops and fish and chips – is it’s the town in Once Upon a Time”. Yes, the fans of the show make pilgrimages to Steveston, but the fishing industry (which is vital to the town) was on the decline.

We have listeners to the podcast that keep an eye on the town for us, and it is sad to see all the For Sale signs going up more and more for vital locations for “Once Upon a Time”.

Take, for example the Nikka Fishing and Marine building that doubles for the Storybrooke Free Public Library. From a story in the Richmond News dated September 22, 2014 “A landmark Steveston fishing supplies shop will be closing its doors next month, putting yet another nail in the coffin of the village’s fishing industry.”


There has been some interesting discussions within the town as to what to do with the now abandoned Nikka Fishing and Marine building, a suggestion of “…exploring the idea of using the soon-to-be-abandoned Nikka Fishing Marine building, which is the fictional library for Storybrooke in the television series Once Upon a Time” has been made.

Another shop that can be seen in the background of “Once Upon a Time” is for sale or lease.


And, as shown before, the Cannery Cafe which doubles as “Granny’s Cafe” is also for sale, as well.

Colleen and I visited Steveston a few years back and were the first Once Upon a Time Podcast to broadcast live there (We set up in the Steveston Hotel Cafe and watched Robert Carlyle go by in the cast transportation van). We love Steveston, and want to see it thrive. Let’s hope that things change soon for that wonderful town.

If you love ABC TV’s Once Upon a Time, please check out our #2 Itunes rated fan-produced, “Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast” at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com.

2X20 The Evil Queen – First Thoughts (Thar Be Plot Holes Ahead)

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Welcome to the a Special Episode of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast First Thoughts about “The Evil Queen“. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.



Please Tweet that you are listening to @ouatpodcast #theevilqueen #firstthoughts

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Check out our New OUAT Connections Video Channel (many now) – http://www.youtube.com/user/dvrstorybrooke

The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.

The goal of the episode is for us to give our first thoughts, warts and all, so here it is.

Note: I remember Regina’s line was Maleficent was “Sustained by a special spell, in whatever form she was in,” but still…

dragonfly painting

Dragon – fly painting. Oh, I get it.

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Who is the Her calling? What about Peas? Why Womanizing Whale Discovered? Silver Crosses and Ruby. In the Name of the Brother Live Show – Hour 1

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Note: Our forum is down.

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