Tag Archives: katherine

OUAT – Roads in and out of Storybrooke and Effects of Leaving

So, there are a few roads in and out of Storybrooke (IMHO);

One – The Emma crash road. The one with the very cool Welcome to Storybrooke sign where a wolf wandered in front of Emma’s car leaving town;

Two – The Ashley crash road.

The sign on the opposite side of the road is the Entering Storybrooke sign, see?

Three – The Katherine crash road.

See the Leaving Storybrooke green sign?

Four – Emma’s stall road in “True North”.

No signs around to establish which road it was. Maybe it was a curve of one of the other roads we’ve seen, but for now we will consider this is a road unto itself.

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OUAT – People leaving Storybrooke and effects (or not) on them

Okay, let’s go through who has left Storybrooke;

Mr. Gold left Storybrooke to go procure Henry for Regina. We still don’t know if anything bad happened to him because of that, yet.
Ruby to go “find romance” in and around Boston, but Granny’s heart attack (Hmm, I wonder if Regina had anything to do with it, or was it just the Dark curse causing it?) brought Ruby back to Storybrooke.
*Update* Henry left, too. He took the bus to visit Emma. (Maid Maleen reminded me. Thanks.) To our knowledge, nothing bad happened, just the opposite it appears.

Who has tried to leave;

Emma with Ava and Nicholas Zimmer. Her car just died. No crash, no going off the side of the road.

Ashley. The car (she borrowed from Ruby) went off the side of the road:

and she was missing from the car:

She left (or was removed) the car somehow and was down a sloped side of the road out of site from the road.

Then, we see Emma drive Ashley back into town to have her baby.

Katherine. She was driving her car out of Storybrooke to go to Boston, and went over the side of the road (this time):

I’m writing another blog post about the roads in and out of Storybrooke and specifics about the effects of leaving using those roads. Thanks for reading this and leaving your comment.

For more Once Upon a Time fun, you can;
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OUAT – Frederick is what in Storybrooke?

When Katherine storms into the school to confront Mary Margaret (very Housewives of Storybrooke, btw) and on the way to slap Mary Margaret, she bumps into a very inter looking gym teacher:

So, Frederick did take the magical smoke portal to Storybrooke. I wonder if this Gym Teacher and Katherine will ever meet?

Well, we may have an answer to that.

We know that Katherine was accepted to law school in Boston (One wonders if she had “ears” on the acceptance board (Like Abigail?)) and on her way out of town, she met a very interesting accident (more about that in another post). Ironically or coincidentally, the Gym Teacher was driving out of town:

Why was he heading out of town? Was he heading out of town? Was he following Katherine? Does he know more about her that we have lead to believe?

He drives up on Katherine’s car that looks like she drove (or was pushed mysteriously) off the side of the road, and get out to help.

When he comes up to her car, we see the airbag has been deployed, her car door is open, and she is not there. Where is she? Does her “disappearance” (If she is in fact, gone) have anything to do with Regina burning Katherine’s “Dear Jane” letter? Sort of like a ‘Voodoo’ letter, of sorts.

Wait! This car off the side of the road reminds me of another Storybrooke accident. See you in the next blogpost about the comparison.

For more Once Upon a Time fun, you can;
Check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com, and
Ask Regina’s Garden Gnome a question at http://gnome.onceuponatimepodcast.com