Tag Archives: poisoned apple

OUAT – Once Upon a Time SE01E02 “The Thing You Love Most” Thoughts and Review


I really liked the extension of the story. We see that how much power the evil witch has, and how she got it.


NL: Note: On the Title segment, the wolf was shown, now its the Unicorn. Emma had a Unicorn mobile hanging over her crib in the Pilot.
NL: Archie mention the Library’s “Rusty Old Innards” when the bell rang, and my Star Wars side had to note this.
NL: Now, I’m not an apple expert, but the apple that Regina gace Emma was a Red Delicious, not a Honey Crisp apple.
NL: Emma mentioned “read between the lines”, referring to the Fairy Tale Book that Henry has.
L: Regina’s “You have no idea what I’m capable of” line was also spoken by Shannon in the Lost episode, Exodus Part 1.
NL: A Dark Unicorn in Maleficent’s castle.
NL: The Evil Queen visit’s Maleficent (Witch from Sleeping Beauty)
NL: Maleficent has a horn like clip in here hair. Why is she blonde? Don’t know, yet.
NL: It appears that The Evil Queen traded her Dark Curse for the Sleeping Curse from Maleficent, and since it was broken with a kiss, The Evil Queen has come to get a refund and trade back.
L: The discussion between The Evil Queen and Maleficent about the fate of others and power reminds me of the discussions that Jacob had with The Man in Black.
NL: The Evil Queen tried to kill the Dark Unicorn with flying swords and spears. What is the significance of the Dark Unicorn?
NL: The battle between the witches looks almost like two Jedi Masters battling using Force powers.
NL: Blind Witch around the fire to create the Dark Curse. Is this the witch from Hansel and Gretel? We will see.
NL: Henry mentions that “The hero nevers believes the story at first, that’s what makes it a great story”. Joseph Campbell (Mythologist) calls it the “Reluctant Hero,” like Luke is Star Wars. Obi Wan asks him to go to Alderaan and he says no, but then after his adopted parents are killed he accepts the journey.
L: Ship steering wheel in the window of the Storybrooke bakery shop and on the outer wall.
L: When Emma and Mary Blanchard have the discussion of who they are in Henry’s book, the school bell rings (The story ‘rings a bell’) and it’s like the Lost finale when people began to realize a connection between the “present” world and their time on the island.
NL: Dr. Hoppers office has mushroom statues and plants growing.
NL: Dr. Hopper says Henry communicates through the story, its his language. The story is communicating to the people, telling them who they really are.

NL: The Evil Queen nears Rumpelstiltskin’s cell as a rat, when he tells her to show herself, she turns into Black smoke, then turns into her human form.
NL: To me Rumpelstiltskin has the same speaking pattern as Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight.
NL: EQ asks Rumpelstiltskin what went wrong with the Dark Curse 1st attempt, and R told her that it requires the heart of what she truly loves (which is her father, Henry. Interesting to note that Joseph Campbell mentions that in some myths, the son (or in this case the daughter) kills the father to achieve greater power (This these is in the Star Wars trilogy with The Emperor asking Luke to kill Vader to take his Father’s place at his side).
NL: In Mayor/Regina’s office there is a horse statuette over the fireplace, and a multi-faced vase in an inset next to the fireplace. The wallpaper has a forest motif (as well as Dr. Hopper’s office, Granny’s Diner, etc). Also the color scheme of black and white (to me) shows the clash between Regina’s struggle to put her “good face” forward, but showing her “bad face” as well. When Emma leaves, Regina’s chair (and the way she sits in it) resembles a throne.
NL: Many warnings against revenge (a lonely road) and power (is seductive) are similar to the warnings in the Star Wars saga.
L: Henry (EQ’s Father) tells EQ that “the choice is yours”. Over and over, in Lost this was a strong theme about choices.
L: Mary Blanchard mentions she feels that she and Emma have met before. There is the cinnamon link to Emma, Henry and Mary Blanchard, as well.

More Once Upon a Time location photos here: http://newsflic.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-location-with-abcs-once-upon-time-in.html

Ratings News:

Even more Once Upon a TIme location photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/claytonperry/sets/72157627166811555/with/6058591048/

How to use Social Media to keep Once Upon a Time on TV:

Once Upon a Time Pilot episode connections: http://new.roneyzone.com/blogs/jeffsdnablog/lost-and-disneyonce-upon-a-time-connections-pilot/

Lost (and Disney)/Once Upon a Time Connections – Pilot

New! Once Upon a Time Episode 2 “The Thing You Love The Most” Connections here: http://new.roneyzone.com/blogs/jeffsdnablog/ouat-once-upon-a-time-se01e02-the-thing-you-love-most-thoughts-and-review/

Note: I have included Lost connections, as well as Non-Lost which would include Disney and internal show connections. I may have stretched a few of the connections too far, but you are free to leave your thoughts on that, as well as other Easter eggs I may have missed. Enjoy.


Logo showing a butterfly. The idea of transformation (The present world characters realizing who they really are. The tree wardrobe that Emma is hidden and Snow White’s glass coffin could be considered cocoons).

Two Worlds; Storybrooke and Fairy Tale Land

Two Lives on the Two Worlds


Emma Swan – (Lost: Swan station. Non-Lost: Possibly referring to The Swan Princess)
Henry – (Lost: Henry Gale?)
Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard – (Non Lost: Blanc is the French word for white)
Prince Charming/John Doe
The Evil Queen/Regina Mills – (NL: Evil Queen in FTW and Mayor in the RW)
Sheriff Graham
Jimminy Cricket/Archie Hopper – (NL: Hopper, Cricket – get it?)
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold – (NL: Fairy Tale mentions spinning straw into gold)
Magic Mirror/Sydney – (L: Sydney was the airport Oceanic 815 departed prior to the now famous crash. Sydney is a reporter for Storybrooke’s Daily Mirror newspaper)

Pilot –

L: We see Prince Charming riding to get to Snow White across a bridge between two sections of the Fairy Tale land. To me, it was reminiscent of going from one of the Lost Islands to another.
NL: We first see Snow White buried in a tree (guarded by the 7 dwarves) and Emma was placed in a tree to be hidden from the Evil Queen, and was transported to the side of a freeway in Storybrooke, Maine.
NL: Emma was transported to a new land through a wardrobe (The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe).
Lost: The Prince’s kiss that broke the spell of death of Snow White, also had a colorful shock wave that cleared the fog away. It reminds me of the hatch explosion from Lost.

L: The colors of the windows in the church during the wedding remind me of the windows in the side room of the church during the finale of Lost.
NL: Snow White in white, and the Evil Queen in black.
L: The Evil Queen is the Woman in black (with a bit of red now and then).
L: Mentions of “Lost” and “Find”
L: When Prince Charming throws the sword at the Evil Queen, she changes into dark smoke.
L: Rubik’s cube on Emma’s table. I always thought that the Lost Island was one big Rubik’s cube. It could be just me.
NL: Emma lights a star candle on a cupcake, and wishes. She basically wishes on a star.
NL: On the outside of Emma’s apartment door is a list of spells (Spell beguile, for instance).
?: Emma apartment number is 205.
NL: Emma was given up by her parents, and Emma gave up Henry for adoption.
NL: Tinkerbell wind sculpture
L: Lighthouse shown in the Storybrooke Hardware and Paint logo
NL or L: Emma Swan’s license plate is 836 M4X (I don’t know what this means yet, but I’ll let you know)
NL: A child savior, but this time its a female.
L: Clock stopped at 8:15. Oceanic 815.
L: Fairy Tale Creatures sent to Storybrooke, where time stopped, and they are trapped, until they are released. They can’t leave. If they try, bad things happen.
L: Standard Clocks shop. Referring to the show title, but also the time travel in Lost.
NL: Archie Hopper is walking a Dalmatian (101 Dalmatians), wearing a scarf with green in it, and carrying an umbrella. He catches Henry in a lie, and whistle’s the “Give a Little Whistle” song as he walks away.

NL: The Fairy Godmother’s dress resembles Ursula from the Little Mermaid.
NL: Pinocchio is smoothing a carving of Monstro with a stone.
NL: Hiding in a magical tree. Icelandic Fairy Tale about a red and a blue tree protecting people from their enemies (http://www.storiestogrowby.com/stories/magic_tree_trunks_body.html)
NL: The Mayor(Witch) offering apple cider. There is also a bowl of apples in her house.
NL: The picture of the bird on the wall. Possibly depicting the birds she has around her as the witch.
NL: The figurine on the table next to the coach must represent something, but at this point I got nothing.
NL: Emma (The savior) has blonde hair, the Evil Queen has black hair. Yup, I know Snow White has black hair, too. Don’t have an explanation for that.
NL: Wolf in the road (Little Red Riding Hood.) causing her to crash (Wolf possibly blocking her way out).
L: Black Smoke rolling in as the Evil Queen comes for Snow White’s baby.
L: Emma’s eye is shown opening.
NL: Leroy is whistling ‘Whistle While You Work’ in the jail.
NL: Mary Margaret Blanchard is holding a blue bird.
L: The sound used to go to the commercial is very Lost like.
NL: Swans on Henry’s lamp.
NL: Regina Mills looks in the mirror.
NL: Mary Margaret Blanchard leaves white flowers for John Doe (Prince Charming on life support).
NL: Granny’s Bed and Breakfast address – 910. Nothin’ yet on this.
NL: We see Ruby (Red Riding Hood), Mr. Gold (Rumpelstiltskin, who owns the town) at Granny’s Bed and Breakfast)
NL: There is a swan on the key Granny gives Emma for her room.
NL: Once Emma gets the key (and makes a commitment to stay for a week, as Henry asks), the clock begins to move again. Thus signalling all the pieces falling together for the series to begin.

Once Upon a Time filming location photos. NOTE: Some may include spoilers: http://www.flickr.com/photos/susangittins/sets/72157626994006407/with/6267598960/