Tag Archives: Jealousy

OUAT – The Mythology and DNA of the story of Star Wars

I know this is an interview with George Lucas, about the Star Wars saga, and not specifically about Once Upon a Time. It discusses the use of color, how and why a characters looks a certain way, the mythology and story points, etc. There are parts that you can use to see Once Upon a Time in a whole, new way:

OUAT – The DNA of Stories (The Hero’s Journey)

I’ve mentioned Joseph Campbell, and his influence on George Lucas and Star Wars, but I also want you to consider the Once Upon a Time in this mix. Here is a very cool video showing the sections of Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey in three major motion picture stories;

Can’t you see Emma progressing through these sections? What do you think?

Want more Once Upon a Time? Check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com

013 OUAT Fan Podcast – Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

Welcome to the (Lucky number) 13th episode of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.


The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.

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